Celina saw what was happening… seeing that everyone was having difficulty with the small dragon swarm... She hated it... She could not help the group right now… seeing just the damage that was happening. It was then that the ghost saw that the entire group was focus on healing more than anything. He then gave a smile before seeing what Jason was doing. Celina knew where that was going… Suddenly the ghost started to form the fireball and engulf her own body in fire and then jumping quickly straight towards Mia at full speed... well... it would have been full speed… but Celina herself tried her best to take a bit of control back, having her body ending up going slower as if her body was being stretch and taking some air, hoping that this would end up giving enough time for Mia to escape that attack. The ghost was a bit annoyed that Celina slowed the body down a bit there. She knew she would need to try and keep going with this… to try to make her own attacks weaker here in any way possible.