[center][h3][b][color=fff200]Clio[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/RF0qKF2G/Clio-Lightsaber.png[/img][/center] The Cerean looked at Bellona with suspicion, his head shaped like a pinecone, his eyebrows like bushy white caterpillars. [i]"Just a drink?"[/i] he repeated. He didn't own the cantina, yet the music had stopped and everyone was looking at him for direction. His opinion clearly carried a great deal of weight. "It's [i]never[/i] just a drink with the Jedi," he spat, before gathering up his belongings and he left the bar. Three other aliens followed suit, getting up and leaving - only one of them bothered to pay on their way out as well. [color=fff200]"Anyone else got a problem?"[/color] Clio asked. Dead silence. [color=fff200]"Good,"[/color] she said, before going up to the bar and ordering herself a strong drink. The bartender charged her double, explaining that there was a jedi surcharge - [i]"For the damage."[/i] Clio didn't feel like arguing the point. She didn't believe in using outright violence and force, but their arrival had already caused some to leave the cantina. She would have been naive if she didn't expect some sort of fight to break out. Her drink came up and Clio took a swig of it, instantly coughing from the strength of the alcohol. Drinking wasn't an activity exactly condoned by the Jedi Order. The hair on the back of her neck stood up, as she saw a rather [i]odd[/i] person watching her and her sister - a Gungan. They were rarely found outside of Naboo. Those found on other planets... they were exiles - criminals. Exactly the sort of person who could get them an audience with the Hutts.