[center][h1]Exodus of the Forgotten Realm [/h1][/center] Once upon a time, a god decided there would be a world full of life, that would thrive upon one another. Once within this world, it’s inhabitants were quiet in the aspects of their lives, and living day to day as it should have always been. The inhabitants stuck to their own tribes and species until the day the Monvau River ran dry. Then some of it’s tributaries that kept the highland peoples to their ways. The lowlands, the peoples of the mountains and the undergrounds grew in power as the water and the resources that relied upon it were needed through the different peoples. For a long time, the people of the highlands grew desperate or died off slowly leaving territory unclaimed, wars spread through the highland regions of the continent. People claiming ruins of the few cities that were in the southern highlands. The southern highlands stuck to their own, and with the peoples of the mountains remained strong and, continued their lives how it was previously. Until the rains came back and the river ran strong once more, the highlands grew once more to how they were supposed to be, and some ancient tribes had returned.. However what was unknown to these peoples were that they were not the only ones in the world, in their feuds they had lost contact with the continents that had surrounded them, and when the first explorers came, they were killed in shock at what the once peaceful people had become. Afraid of the rest of the world, the continent grew distant and ignored. Its expeditions out into the world that was once its friends were never returning. Though the rest of the world waited, wishing for them to come out of this dark time, the barbaric acts that they had committed against each other, and against their lost friends. Wars still rage as blame is shifted from tribe to tribe, people to people, no one is safe any longer, as people try building rafts and boats to escape the continent, but there is no word of what has happened to them. Some have returned home, never getting to the winds or the outsiders that had kept them there for so long. A group of refugees has begun to amass for an exodus from the continent and with it, the interests of the tribes, and the nations that have begun to form throughout the lands. This is due to some of the individuals coming, such as magicians, priests, soldiers, and nobles. All have their adventures and travels, and there is a band forming in the southern mountain range, which needs guidance across the continent. The warring peoples have cut off the exodus from most of the continent, and these people have sent out individuals in search of volunteers to protect, and show them where they need to go, and possibly guide them through the exodus into the outer world. [hider=Rules] Rules : No god mod High realism (physics applies and it hurts when not followed) 18+ Mid/Low Fantasy - with cultures similar to early middle ages/classical era I may want to use different languages for different tribes and NPCs to use. Most people will know basic (English), but it might be fun to try and learn a different language or two, google translate will be used initially for this. However I do speak some extremely broken French. Aside from that, no racism or anything that the guild finds distasteful in public, I don’t care what happens in private. I would like to keep a decent rotation of post to keep it active, as well as cooperative posts creation on google docs(or anything thing else) Maybe like a post every three days per person, if you have something going on just tell me or say something about it (in OOC or discord if I make one) I want detailed posts, if you have to do cooperative posts with others, please do so. Dialogue is something that connects characters, bringing them together as friends. I want nice long posts, if you and another individual(s) create a cooperative dialogue together, feel free to split it up if it’s long enough, just make sure you use character names instead of pronouns when making one. You may have to make a new character after your initial character, as death is a possibility, and it is also fun sometimes to see people grow and expand on their character interactions. I plan for this to not be a common thing, just so that the story can have most of the first characters there when the chapter ends and a new one begins. [/hider] [center]______________________________________________________[/center] [hider=Magic] Magic of the land Born of magics : those who are found to be inherently found full of magic. Typically the people who are found with magics inhibit magic that cannot be learned by the wizards of the land. Sorcerers use the mancies of the elements, and the body (healing) Learned magics : Magics that are learned are weak, but with time, the magic can be powerful and strong. Spells can throw bolts of energy across the sky, and raise mountains if they are well created. Runes can be strung out and written across many surfaces. Carved into metal, stone, wood, or tattoed on skin. But, it can take many years and many supplies. It takes almost twenty years without money to gain the ability to even start alchemy, the prerequisite. To produce the correct qualities for someone to gain the powers of the unknown. Then to refine them internally is something else, to throw the spells, to use the potions and elixirs created by alchemy to make these spells come to life. Each individual is different, and the power each individual can have their own powers and strength, although there are not many can get past the beginning without death. Through the gods and divinity : Gods have been with the peoples of the world since it’s beginning. The gods have gone as well, as the world’s people believe and lose the beliefs of these beings. Great heroes have won their place among the pantheons of the world, and great villains have become the world’s demons. True followers of these deities can have some of their powers and abilities. The Ancient Ones - The Ancient Ones, or Old Ones are the creators. Their realms of belief are of creation, as very few can inhibit their powers, and seem as if they are born of magic itself. The basic mancies, such as geomancy and hydromancy are encompassed, as well as the druidic ways. These druids are known to create forests, amass animals and see the biosphere of an area change within months, some say these mystical individuals can even read into the future, to see what will happen to the places their powers have touched. God of the Mountain - The one who brings rain upon the world, and showers it with the food it needs. He gives his followers the ability to bring a holy frost to protect those who follow, as before each year’s growth of food, the frosts will come and destroy and flatten what remains of the fields. Many of his followers can do this, as his will is commanded through them, but only the strongest can move what is left of the never melting glaciers forward and backward, to shape the land to what the expanding civilization needs. Goddess of the River - The River Goddess runs through, she raises her tide and lowers it so the people can use her river’s resources to build their homes. She grants her priesthood the ability to heal the wounded, and sometimes save them from death. The tides do not affect her priests, and freshwater to them is like air. Saltwater to most of them is poison, and many avoid the ocean, but some, the goddess had given to the water of the world, so not even poisons can affect them, and they are most likely immortal to all but age and other beings. Goddess of the West Highland - The rolling hills that stretch upon the side of the mountain range are full of sheep, horses, wolves, and other wildlife, but not much tall and strong vegetation. Few trees grow, and so she gives her followers her arms. They much like the last followers of the Ancient Ones, can be considered druids, where the landscape is theirs to command, but far less powerful. They can speak to animals, and maybe cause a few trees to sprout, but not much can be said for them otherwise. God of the Seas - The four-headed god spews boiling water in what is depicted of him, each head representing the surrounding waters. The head to the north sings quietly, while the western beats across the steep cliffs. The south ripples along beaches, while the east is unpredictable marshlands, bogs, and swamps. The followers are thought to only be able to talk to fish, while the truly divine priests can bring lightning down upon their enemies, and guide the weather how they so desire. God of the Flatlands - The centaur god, half man, and half horse, a mythical creature said to be the spawn of when the Ancient Ones wanted to walk among men, and the first god of creation decided to breed all of the animals in the land. He gives his followers the strength of a horse, and possibly even the speed of one, and sometimes so fast they wake up in their destination the next day, but if it is the god carrying the follower, it was never said. Other gods - There are many lesser gods with their own realms of imagination, as well as their spawn. Creatures, half-gods, demons, and angels. Beings that can give upon their divinity in different capacities, but they can change in a second in the shifting tides of power and belief. Most gods and divine/undivine powers are never heard of outside of a small village and are folklore, but some say, that they are all real. [/hider] [center]______________________________________________________[/center] [hider=Geology] [img]https://inkarnate-api-as-production.s3.amazonaws.com/ftghoa4ter86w4ozf9ehn5axlnb7[/img] Geology of the lands : The continent is large and has a variety of wildlife and terrain textures. In the north, The mountains span across the horizon and begin the cliffs that protect the west of the continent, once believed to be apart of a larger world, this is where the world split in half. This is where the river Monvau begins, and flows down through the lands. South of the mountains and along the western coast is where the highlands begin, once beautiful hills are now mainly grasslands since the river is high enough to stretch into the hills. The highlands are once again beautiful and wildlife has come back, rocky textures well with the grass, and most of the animals that live there are strong, this is where the strongest horses are found. The wolves are just as strong, as they have had to fight generations of others, and humans for what little food and water was available. Traveling along the coast is the lone mountain, one of the most fertile lands that have existed, a single volcano had once stood there, but it was capped by a mystical man who once walked the world. This is where the elves were born supposedly, and where they have always lived. Forests cover the lands, wildlife flourished always, and the ending of the Monvau petered out on the outskirts of the river, where it has become a bog and the river flows no further. As we reach the eastern highlands, the badlands begin, ruin and dry ground cover the highlands, only several peoples are able to survive due to springs found up in the few mountains that rest between hills. Much of the wildlife has gone, and not many species of grass can survive, it is inhospitable to almost all who live here. Life, however, shows how resistant it can truly be, as some peoples have found ways to live in the harsh environment. Taking to the center of the continent, the Monvau river splits into two, one leading to the western highlands, and one to the lone mountain. This area is mainly flat grasslands, with forests dotting the land. This spans all the way to the coast, where white beaches shine against the sea’s waves. In the north, the ocean and the land connect in brackish water. Swamps and bogs cross inland almost to the river and mountains, many people live here, and much life is present. Though it is full of disease and war, entire armies and tribes can be found lost under the murky waters if you look hard enough. Cities and towns There are two major cities on the map to Exodus, Pipr on the northern fork and Durai in the south along the river. There are many others, but this map was made to show the havens that are safe. There are small towns, and cities on the map, but the maker did not have time to archive their names. His main focus was showing where the Exodus was for all who required it. Our starting area would be along the western highlands near the mountains. [/hider] [center]______________________________________________________[/center] [hider=Races] Playable Races : Human : The backbone of the peoples of the world, not as ancient as the elves, and not as industrious as the dwarves, but they are the majority of the populations. Elves : An ancient species believed to be the ancestors of all humans, they are few and far between, found around lone mountains, and in forests. There are several subspecies of the elves, such as the high elves, forest elves, and drow. Each subspecies has their own set of unique traits. They have better odds of finding born magic within them, and some live long enough to have the peak of learned magic. Dwarves : A short and stout race, living underground and in mountains. They are strong with culture and industry, their ability to harness magic in their own bodies is typically flawed, but inside of crafted materials, they can create swords that are said to break mountains in half. Oro : The blind men are creatures that can shift their form at will, as long as their body has the mass to create what they are trying to mimic. The blind man you pass might be able to see you after all, as their senses allow them to ‘see’ all around them. Beasts : Beasts are rare and far between, humans that have traits, and abilities, sons and daughters of gods. There are few of these creatures, and many have been explained as halfbreeds, vampires, werewolves, lycanthropes, centaurs, winged men, some don’t even know what they are. They hide or at least try to hide what they are to the world they are forced to live in. These are the creatures of folklore and tales through the lands. Though their rarity makes them a very uncommon sight. (if you play it, put the race you derive or are most similar too, this something you may want to hide, then pm for availability) [/hider] [center]______________________________________________________[/center] Making a character - Name : Race : Age : Physical characteristics (weight, height, body type, eye color, hair color, etc) : Faceclaim (if any is found - can be done at a later date) : Skills (Up to six skills are allowed.) (Examples of skills would be things such as cooking, fighting with swords/weapon of choice, alchemy, magic(learned magic takes up two slots), etc ) : Job/Previous profession: Magic (if any and how it was earned) : Character's history (villages/tribes/people is up to you on their names/traditions but this is a western fantasy) : [center]______________________________________________________[/center]