(I did indeed go to bed last night, I wanted to give everyone time to reply to my question and since it's GMT here as well I figured it was as good a time as any to get some sleep. I'm usually on all day until late, so it shouldn't be too obstructive to the RP.) Okay reading back on everyone's replies I'm thinking: as long as everyone is cool with no turn order, then that's what we'll stick with. But - and this is an obvious note, I know - please remember if you find you're posting very quickly at your timezone's peak hours, try to keep the actual [i]story pacing[/i] slow enough for people in other timezones to keep up. For the most part bigger events will be up to me anyway. [quote=@Lugubrious] Goodmode, are you planning to have someone drop by from the Pigeon Capital as some kind of coordinator or supervisor? If so, our characters could talk until such a person comes by to get the group into gear. If not, one of us can urge everyone to stop dilly-dallying and set off, starting us onward. [/quote] I was 50/50 on this - if you guys looked like you needed a boost, I could have had an NPC push things forward, but right now I like the organic way posts are heading, so instead I'll give you all an OOC pointer: Heddwyn's instincts are right - [b]it will be getting dark soon.[/b] You can make camp (by the cairn, on the outskirts of the woods ahead, etc) and/or try to prepare. Also, here's a small thing: [b]the 0th post will now function to hold some information about the Beast,[/b] to help everyone keep track of what your characters have found out. You guys don't know much that's certain yet, but the post will be added to as information is revealed or discovered. Right now, all of your characters will have heard through the grapevine that [b]the beast is more active at night,[/b] so I'm beginning the post with that already written down. Later if your characters come up with theories you can ask me to write them down too. [@Wolfmother] Thank you, that's a big compliment for everyone! I hope it'll be an adventure to read! :^)