[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@Duthguy] [quote=System:Jason] Skill Unlocked: Warcry II (2.175) is now available again! [color=red]WARNING! YOUR MP IS LOW![/color] [/quote] Jason reeled as he was once again violently ejected from Geir's body; the sudden shift between worlds no less disorienting than the last time he had been forcefully removed from the boy. [color=darkred][i]Can't say that timing wasn't perfect...[/i][/color] Jason mused to himself as he assessed the surrounding situation; not only was Danny nowhere to be seen, but Jason had also been able to disengage the young Barbarian before any form of reinforcements could arrive to back him up. Looking towards the house, he saw two souls fast approaching to aid Geir. The first soul; whom Jason assumed to be Mira, glowed brightly, brighter than Zieglar's even-- but seemed to lack concentration, to the point where it bordered on outright translucence. The second soul; which Jason couldn't place, appeared to be a little less bright than the goblins he and Danny had fought in the forest. Perhaps it was a pet or 'familiar' of some kind? Though he was curious, Jason didn't intend to stick around to find out. Looking back down to Geir; who still seemed to be gathering his bearings from their fight, Jason noticed that the Barbarian's soul wasn't as red nor bright as it was previously, but seemingly the same size. Extending a long pseudopod to the young warrior, Jason activated [b][Mana Drain][/b] to recoup what mana he could before leaving behind a final message with his [b][Telepathy][/b], [color=darkred]"[i]Remember kid-- we aren't your enemy...[/i]"[/color] Pulling away from the scene of the fight, Jason kept himself pressed low to the ground; hoping to make himself less discernable, and crept towards the animal pens. [color=darkred][i]I don't know how long that last bit of mana will keep me going for.[/i][/color] Jason thought to himself, [color=darkred][i]Better to be safe than sorry in this case.[/i][/color] Attempting to regenerate as much mana as possible, the ectoslime activated [b][Meditation][/b] as he lurked through the chilly night air, his senses flickering in and out of focus as he continued forward... As he reached the pens, Jason looked around to find Danny, briefly activating his [b][Spiritual Awareness][/b] to better search for his hiding friend.