(So my cat has attempted to rip my charger out of the wall again multiple times. Apparently he just loves to be a nuisance. :lol If anyone has any ideas on how to get him to stop, I'd love to hear them before I have to buy [i]another[/i] charger.) [u][center][h3]Ana of Auroris[/h3][/center][/u] People were arriving. Ana had never seen them before, and after awhile you began to recognize every grime-coated face in Stagcross. There weren't many. Hopefulness rose in her chest; she pushed it down. It did no good to be hopeful. But if they were here about her job . . . Then she could finally make her way back into the mountains. She noted the few that had entered the tavern. They seemed to have potential. She took a small sip from her newly refilled glass. The cheap whiskey burned her throat and made her eyes water, but she'd finally tamped down the urge to gag. Her fingers drummed softly against the sticky underside of the table. Not wishing to seem a fool, she would wait for them to approach her. Besides, if they couldn't tell a sorceress from some flea-infested peasant they might not fare well on the trek to find the tomb.