[hider=Samuel Stubbing] [b]BASIC INFO[/b]​ [b]Name:[/b] Samuel Stubbing [b]Aliases:[/b] Sammy, Stubbs. [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Date of Birth:[/b] 05.04.1984 [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Phoenix, Arizona [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Straight [b]Ethnicity:[/b]Caucasian [b]Status:[/b] Divorced, twice. ​ [b]APPEARANCE​[/b] [b]Height:[/b] 5.7 [b]Weight:[/b] 171 pounds [b]Eye color:[/b] Brown [b]Hair color:[/b] Dark Brown​ [b]Identifiable traits:[/b] Cigar burn on lower left butt cheek. ​ [b]PROFESSIONAL​[/b] [b]Current Position:[/b] Field Agent [b]Employed since:[/b] 05/08/2017 [b]Skills:[/b] The agent has specialised in infiltration and reconnaissance His interpersonal skills are a notable asset that has been used in previous missions. ​ [b]CHARACTER​[/b] [b]Strengths:[/b] The agent is personable and is quick to make and maintain contacts. He has an easygoing demeanor, facilitating teamwork with others. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] The agent values his own survival above all else, and will not hesitate to ensure his own safety in moments of crisis. The agent has a low pain threshold. The agent takes medication for high blood pressure before assignments to avoid health complications on the job. [b]Hobbies:[/b] The agent enjoys card games, amateur magic tricks and karaoke. ​ [b]PSYCHOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL PROFILE​[/b] For Samuel, virtue and morality were less of a necessity - you could do anything you like as long as you can get away with it. A man with an attraction to the foul, he enjoyed tampering with forces beyond and conning anyone he can see be a benefit to him. Most of the time, he mixed his hobbies together in his job and liked to think he was living the good life because of it. It was only when faced with the repercussions of his string of crimes that he began to understand the gravity of his misdeeds. When given the indelible proof of his indirect involvement in the destruction and destitution of multiple lives, Samuel decided to turn a new leaf. He works for the SEMA in the hopes that he can atone for his past mistakes but old habits die hard. ​ [b]BIOGRAPHICAL OVERVIEW​[/b] Samuel grew up on the normalisation of petty crime. His mother was a shoplifting addict claiming to be "sticking it to the man" by getting minimum wage workers in trouble whilst his father pawned off 'borrowed' belongings on the cheap. Their neglect towards their son was not malicious but it was agreed before middle school that he would be raised by his grandmother. By then the impressions have stuck, and the scarcity of Samuel's time with his parents romanticised them for the young boy. This meant that, despite his grandmother's best efforts, the allure of criminality had already set in. He was not interested in making it big - he merely wanted the high life. Unfortunately, Samuel found it easier to avoid punishment by making his victims trust him first. This was an unintentional discovery after borrowing money from his grandmother which spiraled into infrequent petty frauds against his family members in his youth. Running parallel to these cons was his appreciation for amateur magic and his gluttony for showmanship worsened his sticky fingers. He took to the streets and followed in his parents' footsteps. His academic career was facilitated by his tendency to schmooze, which kept him afloat when his grades struggled. He took to the allure of a stock broker at first but found the impersonality of the job irritating. Growing restless and experiencing something akin to a mid life crisis in his mid twenties, Samuel decided to become a pseudo-entrepeneur, wander around the streets of Phoenix and walked clean into the criminal and supernatural underworld through connections and happenstance. The possibilities thrilled him. He took note of what people wanted and needed in this new, secret community and began to purchase and sell these products on a one to one basis, functioning on word of mouth and a 'clean, honest and reliable' reputation - to his clients, at least. His schemes were varied and catered to a whole host of supernatural creatures whilst carefully avoiding any conflicts of interest. He managed to convince his clients that he was doing the best he could while he skimmed off the profits. One of Samuel's longest running scams involved selling old flip phones at a premium to demons to make their contracts more difficult to track by local government. Due to the nature of the scam he skipped through the states in a cheap car in order to avoid detection and, on the way, he picked up Nikita through a mutual agreement. Eventually his scam caught up to him and the trails of demonic influence lead back to his phones, causing their detainment by SEMA. When faced with the repercussions of his actions and upon seeing what the demons used the phones for, Samuel was sickened to his stomach. He had managed to skip town before any of his trickery reared its ugly head and the severity of his scams invoked a wave of remorse. Fearing for his life and determined to right his wrongs, Samuel agreed to work for SEMA and use his skills out on the field - particularly in scenarios where charging in and slaughtering everyone was out of the question. He was recently reassigned to London with his partner, partially for her benefit, and partially to put distance between himself and the demons he scorned. ​ [b]ADDITIONAL INFO​[/b] N/A [/hider]