Ivy explores the mansion-like nome, wandering aimlessly. She follows Tony into the library, because what better things does she have to do? J.R. picks a room slightly hidden, as the slightly smaller door almost seems like the entrance to an oversized closet. She unpacks what meager supplies she carries during her transient life. She sets up pictures from travel magazines and pictures she’d taken on her travels, and she inspects every nook and cranny for surveillance devices. After deeming it safe, she changes into comfortable sweatpants and lays on the bed as she starts to write. A young woman looks around an all purpose store in an airport. She stretches, still a little worn from her flight to Australia. A voice in her head kept insisting she had somewhere to go, but first she had to wait for her boxing team to disband for the small vacation at their layover spot. ‘[b][color=fff200]’Ooh what’s this?’[/color][/b] For a moment, the girl’s eyes turned a bright yellow and she reached toward a beauty kit. Her eyes return to brown, and she slaps her own hand. She seems to keep fighting with herself, until her team informs her that they’re going to the hotel. That night, she has the weirdest dream: lions, death, chaos, mischief, luck, water, and several other things. [center][h2] Next Day [/h2][/center] Ivy follows Tony to the training room as she munches on pepperoni, and listens to him describe the different styles as she stretches. [color=a2d39c]“Hmm... Krav Maga sounds fun.”[/color] J.R. stretches and pulls her hair up into a ponytail as Tony talks. [color=7ea7d8]“Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.”[/color] She grins faintly at the idea of using her flexibility and smaller stature to make someone suffer. The young woman argues with the voice in her head about whether she should follow up on the odd dream as she snacks on a breakfast bar.