[hider=Artemis][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSNSpIFiKRs][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7w9xoqq.gif[/img][/center] [CENTER][SUB][COLOR=#7E57C2]A R T E M I S C H A S E ◄ 27 ▎ FEMALE ▎ 5’10 ►[/COLOR][/SUB][/CENTER][/url] [SUB][COLOR=#7E57C2]P R E S E N C E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Artemis was that of a ruthless hurricane—shrouded by black, thunderous clouds to cloak the luminosity of her soul. What she held dear to her heart was in the eye of the storm, piling in an array of undiscovered treasury. She let nobody in, and she made sure nobody could see through her. Smoke and mirrors was her game play, and the heat of battle was her outlet. Her mask: a blonde vixen clad in purples, pinks, and black. Adorning her recognizable armor was the familiar insignia of 'The Night Walkers'—the colors she favors within a wolf symbolizing a menacing intimidation and an unpredictable subtlety. People least expect it to be her that is underneath it's shadowy veil, yet it's behind her cross-hairs that they find themselves in. Coming forth, now, as a fearsome mercenary—Artemis reigns within the Bounty Hunters Association. There are few left who know her tale as Angelica, and those that do are aware to watch their backs in fear that the famed Night Walkers are there to prey. Betrayal had a way of transforming the gentleness of Artemis into a merciless and callous heart of ice. Self-oaths are the turning point for people, but for Artemis, it rang louder with each doubting humiliation that haunted her mind. A twist in spirit allowed more room for growth, expanding farther than anyone could've predicted. Angelica died with infinite insecurities, and Artemis awakened with a flaming vengeance. Blue eyes down the barrel of her rifle, engaging fast, but not for long. Do pray for the victim in her sights, for their mark is as vibrant as neon in darkness.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=#7E57C2]C H R O N I C L E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Tears once trailed rivers down the cheeks of Artemis, not in her present life, but in a pitiful previous one. A life in which she acknowledges as her fuel to her fire, but one that she never sees beyond that. Many would doubt her story, but there was a time in which Artemis was known for her naive nature, seemingly allured to danger without any knowledge of self-protection. One trait that has always remained embedded, even through her transcendence, was her dedication—Artemis was not one to give up. Artemis' story began behind the wheels of aircrafts; soaring with the Sunburners to beautiful heights that not many get the privilege of witnessing. She admired the freedom, she relished in the speed, and she strived to stay within the crew. Artemis was only half-way decent, with only improper training to blame for her lack of success. Humans have always had a way of putting others down to better themselves, and Artemis was their target at the time. Her initiation into the Sunburners was to follow the footsteps of her father, a renowned pilot in their ranks; yet her performance didn't live up to even a fraction of his triumphs. It wasn't long before Artemis was alone with only her failures to accompany her. Disappointment covered every memory that she had, and vandalized every envisionment of her future. Artemis lost hope, lost gratification, and lost herself. What goals she had previously set were now so distant that they were blurred even in the scope of a gun. At night, the laughs rang in her ears, in the mornings the coming day scared her, and during the day the doubts haunted her. But she always put one foot in front of the other, continuing her pursuit even if it pained her. The days were blurred and her skin was raw from abuse, but it was an unexpected spark of love that dragged her from her melancholy and towards a strange door of opportunity. His name was Finn. A famous bounty hunter that admired the determination of Artemis, and became enchanted by her unfamiliar kindness. Piece by piece, her story came out in humbling fragments of information until he brought it upon himself to take her under his wing. For years, she trained hard under him until she was surpassing her peers within the Sunburners by miles. It began with an interest to make her father proud, but it turned into a way of showing herself that her strength was never one to be doubted—and her biggest doubts were from within. Artemis and Finn built qualities within each other that were admirable by whoever witnessed them. But her rise came with sinister jealousy. Artemis' transformation didn't just come with her harsh training, it came with a wailing heartache brought upon by a stealthed bullet. Finn was murdered in the night, by a simple snipe from an aggressor. The space meant for continued self-growth was filled with a dreadful sorrow, and Artemis awaited her death next—yet it didn't come to her. The truth came out that the Sunburners, that were daunted by her growth, were behind the attack. Her father didn't bat an eye, too invested in his own glory to consider the emotions of his daughter. And the ignition of her soul bursted in a flaming red. The flames incinerated the kindness she formerly had, and from it's ashes rose her fearless retribution. Artemis turned to the bounty hunters for assistance, the mercenaries that lacked direction but lived free. Her new self resulted, first, in recruitment, and then revenge. Her talents ran parallel with her rising dedication, and soon she began her own crew of mercenaries known as 'The Night Walkers'. Artemis changed her style, adorned herself with the colors of her new brigade, and lurked in the shadows as the name of her group rose to fame.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=#7E57C2]M E M O R I E S[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] [hider=//COMBAT] Artemis was trained by a famed bounty hunter, adopting many of the techniques that he was skilled at himself. Through years of training, she was able to learn the basics of some skills, while discovering she was more talented in others. [table][row][cell][color=#7E57C2]//SKILLS[/color] [indent][sub][b]Gunslinger:[/b] Artemis is skilled with guns. Handguns are what she prefers when she's in medium to close-quarter combat. Artemis' ability to snipe is proven to be exceptional as well. [b]Acrobat:[/b] Although Artemis doesn't have as much expertise in hand to hand combat, she's fast and flexible. Her movements, graceful and swift, are hard to predict and difficult to read. [b]Tactics:[/b] Artemis' leadership does not go unnoticed by her organization, however small it is in comparison to the many others. Her tactics is what keeps them thriving, as well as their ability to follow orders. [b]Piloting:[/b] Although this skill is exercised very rarely, she does have some knowledge regarding piloting and aircrafts. [/sub][/indent][/cell] [cell][color=#7E57C2]//POWERS[/color] [indent][hider=][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ba/f6/c3/baf6c36251929d495545119d29b68847.gif[/img][/center][/hider] [sub]In the blast, Artemis was infused with [u]cosmic energy[/u], granting her the ability to shape, mold, and manipulate cosmic energy that radiates from her body. Her powers recharge just as fast as her normal human energy would, and continued practice and usage will increase the threshold of which she draws from. In addition, Artemis is able to utilize her energy to give her enhanced strength or immediate protection. [b]Limitations:[/b] Artemis' source of energy has been replaced with cosmic energy. Everything she does draws from this source. Thus, if she overexerts herself from ability usage, she will result in major fatigue and exhaustion. Her cosmic energy naturally replenishes over time. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Artemis' powers must extend from herself first. Any shaping or barrier she would cast from a distance would need time to travel and solidify in it's respective location. [/sub][/indent][/cell][/row][/table] [/hider] [color=#7E57C2][url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/kallipolis/images/9/9d/E63c8b190c63daf863d4c57c7f85f69a.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190528020912]Alexander Chase[/url][/color] - Artemis' father: a renowned Sunburner known for his great accomplishments. He excels in many things, and many look to him for guidance. But though his leadership is revered, his fatherhood is quite the opposite. Their relationship doesn't even touch the surface of love and family. Alexander sees Artemis as a disgrace to his name. And with her rise, he still doubts her strength. [color=#7E57C2][url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f9/aa/6c/f9aa6ce9d49ccd90777dc400ea63e888--conceptual-art-digital-illustration.jpg]Finn Brooks[/url][i](deceased)[/i][/color] - Artemis' lover that was murdered by her former allies within the Sunburners. Their jealousy reigned within them and they casted it out in the form of unpredicted assassination. Artemis has learned most of what she knows from Finn. His death is what formed the person she is currently. [color=#7E57C2][url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d6/f5/06/d6f50665dc37c5d36b822c20fed06200.jpg]Minerva Evans[/url][/color] - Minerva is Artemis' right-hand woman. She is strong, fierce, and obedient. Minerva is a mutual friend of Finn and Artemis, and they've known each other for quite some time. In another world, they'd be what's considered as best friends. Artemis is incredibly grateful to have her to trust and rely on. [color=#7E57C2][url=https://imgur.com/UE1iPKn]Olien Parks[/url][/color] - Artemis' tech guy. Without Olien, she wouldn't have access to her gadgets and she wouldn't have intel on the missions that she chooses to accept or pursue. While he's a guy with a burning crave for more and more knowledge, she admires his dedication and appreciates his assistance to the Night Walkers. [color=#7E57C2][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/dc/df/24/dcdf24bd4898ab19a96eeb1d232ed5bb.jpg]Julian Hills[/url][/color] - Artemis' weaponsmith. Julian has provided for the Night Walkers ever since they've been founded. Their weaponry is custom-made and beautifully crafted by the talented Julian. Artemis admires Julian for his craft, but also for his friendly aura. They frequently enjoy drinks together and Julian considers Artemis like a daughter to him. [color=#7E57C2]The Nightwalkers[/color] - Artemis' famed brigade of obedient assassins. They thrive within the leadership of Artemis and they are paid generously for their participation. [/color] [/hider]