Daniel had already been on edge, wired up for what he presumed was a first mission entirely different from most 'first missions.' Even those with a relatively average understanding of the working of Vought knew plenty of the action was staged, perfectly controlled as much as possible to present the Supers and Vought in the best possible light, especially for new team launches. The presence of control could still be felt, but the tension was far more than the usual over 'good optics.' He didn't need to be told this, but Flux's impatience even in his presence, the tug of his clothing, was enough to enforce it. He followed a step behind her, returning to the group. Rather than be dragged into the building tension between the others, his eyes remained set on the door, watching for the eventually arrival as the wild emotions of the group washed over him, in contrast to the assorted wills of iron he could feel gravitating around them. Iron stained with contempt, not that he could blame them. He shut his eyes for a few moments, trying to push away the escalating emotions of his team as zero hour approached. Daniel drifted in the details of their thoughts, picking out small motes of interest to distract from the tiresome cascade of their anger, grievances. It has always intrigued him how they had all internalised their 'hero' names, even Flux. Yet still when he thought of himself had remained Daniel. He wondered how long that would last. This moment of reflection was enough to rebuild the barriers of his mind, and focus on the real task of living. "Enough, Nocturne, pissing off the one of us responsible for our shie-" Daniel was in the process of wading into the confrontation before the buzzer blew. A long harsh note calling for the door to be attended to, followed shortly by a familiar, if not always welcome, voice. "Evenings kiddos, it's Mark, with you in a moment." Mark was the most Vought individual Daniel had ever met. Every inch of him was corporate perfection and the best part was, hardly any of it was artificial. Good looking in the All American sort of way, blonde hair, blue eyes, just about tapering off into the start of middle age. Presentation was always key with Mark, even when deliberately appearing casual having scheduled personal meetings with the members of the Reserve, it had been casual, but designer. So when Mark made his way through the front door dressed in a well tailored but unremarkable grey suit, every factor that had been warning Daniel of impending danger blared a note higher. Daniel could feel the pressure on Mark as well, although there was a smooth confidence behind that. For all Mark's character flaws, and Daniel was sure there were many as with all corporate shills, he at least had faith in the team to complete the task. That, or he was confident if they failed, they'd do so in a way which covered Mark's ass. "It's a little below my pay grade these days, but after all I've done, I thought I could at least be your ride." Mark flashed his winning smile at the team, snapping a driving glove into place over his right hand. "The SUV is waiting, you can asks questions on the way." His tone suggested that there wouldn't be an awful lot of questions, before he was already turning to walk back to the elevator, and then down onwards to their ride. The vehicle was as promised, an SUV. Pitch black and solid, the Ford logo the only note of colour to interrupt the black and silver. It was a car built to take a hit, but disguised beneath luxury fashion, like so much of Vought. It wouldn't look out of place arriving at a party in Hollywood, nor as a private security escort. The car clicked as it was unlocked, no one note horn blast. "Now, kids, I won't lie to you, this is a big task, this is why Vought has put more into you than any new startup since the Seven." Mark spoke the moment he was sitting down, going through the motions of controlling the vehicle with a touch that suggested it was more than just vanity that had put him in his role for the evening. Daniel had to reevaluate him for a moment. Clearly more than just a branding expert. "There are international implications, which, is why you may notice a little oversight. Nobody wants the Chinese keeping what they have and getting it out of the country, and while Vought believes in you all greatly, not everyone has the same confidence." Armory was already only paying half attention, the lashing of praise and importance in Marks words were enough to distract Nocturne and Thermite. "What is it exactly? It can't just be a knock off surely?" Daniel spoke up, although his eyes remained on the road rather than turning to focus on Mark, his thoughts preparing for the action ahead. Violence always made his head crowded. "Not in the sense we usually mean it, no. I've not been made aware of the specifics, but the Chinses are attempting to reverse engineer something the Pentagon has put a lot of money into, and both the US and it's allies can ill afford for them to succeed." The worst part for Daniel was the lack of deception leeching from Mark. He truly didn't know. [I]Fuck[/i]