[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200411/34af30eb773433abee6cbf6175440c80.png[/img] [img]https://image.myanimelist.net/ui/G-Sm6d0qIwQxUGHIp-m2WLh_EdBCtCEFlRtociyv-QVeZY4P06WMkZ6QWNDxqgr2Kv7R9a278RBc7B6Lt8Cy4Lwh88E8i5-sge9l0e5GV3PL5bt4YVR1rbXy4S1H5oj6[/img] [sub]Modern Fantasy * School Life * Seinen * RomCom * Action Romp[/sub][/center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200412/3b07bd0fcc3e11e60214a66db89941ba.png[/img] [i][color=48AF5D]You have[/color] died. [color=48AF5D] Your life as a hero in your native world has come to a glorious end. Whether it was in a flurry of bullets against your greatest rival or with sword and bone against the demon king, your ultimate goal was achieved at the cost of your life. As darkness fills your vision and the voices of your allies slowly fades away you feel your soul return to the ebb and flow of origination. Consciousness begins to slip away before suddenly hearing the distant voice of a woman. It feels as if you're floating weightlessly through a soothing ocean of darkness as you grow closer and closer to the voice and finally a blinding light fills your vision. A[/color] white [color=48AF5D]room. It was a small area with only enough room for three pieces of furniture, two whitewood chairs and a matching whitewood table. The floor was a glossy similarly ivory white surface but as your feet made contact with this material it seemed to chime out an ethereal noise with each step. As you peered around the room you would find that it was empty despite the source of the voice clearly being here. You approach the table and pull one of the chairs out before taking a seat. You notice that atop the small square table is a small pamphlet, a pen, and some blue-green spherical gemstone. As you take the pamphlet within your hands and begin to read your mind begins to slip away.[/color] [hider=The Contract]Blessed Hero, While I am sure you are feeling a number of different emotions I can assure you that you are no longer in danger. Not only because I, Deus, pose no threat to you but also because you are already deceased and a few moments ago you were on your way to plane of spirits. I'm sure your adventures on the mortal plane were grand and you leave the world of the living with a heavy heart as loved ones, friends, and family are left behind to cope in your absence. But have Hope, Luckily for you the plane of spirits is rather packed with countless numbers of ghosts collected over the eons. Maybe I should have been a little more selective of who I let through the golden gates, but it's too late for that now. Which leads me to the contents of this contract. Reading through you'll find that I am offering you a second chance in life through the means of what I'd like to call [b]Soul Recycling[/b]. As your soul is recycled it will be sent to a different world where you will be reborn with a clean slate, a new life, new experiences, all for you a hero of a previous world to experience. There are some fine print things along with this however, [sup][s]x[/s] You will be born to a new mother and father starting at the ripe age of zero, maybe you won't look remotely similar to your old self. [s]x[/s] You will lose all memories of your previous life keeping only muscle memory of skills and talents along with you in your new life, of course you will need to stumble upon these strengths on your own. [s]x[/s] You will only be allowed a single heirloom or keepsake to be carried with you in some facet to the new world, and don't worry about how that happens, I'll make sure that they reach you in your new life. [s]x[/s] Meeting any other recycled souls in the new world may cause some of the amnesia to wear off, we recommend that you instinctively avoid these people for your own mental health and their own. [s]x[/s] Following the laws and rules of this new world will be greatly encouraged as we will be spectating from the heavens. Breaking these will result in [b]Holy Infractions[/b] and once you have received three of these we will not only pluck your soul from the new body, but destroy your soul entirely.[/sup] Other than that everything else should just come naturally. Once your name is printed upon the this contract, the Recycling of your Soul shall commence.[/hider] [hider=Born Again]As your character signs his/her name upon the blank line at the bottom of the contract they suddenly find themselves being grabbed by hundreds of shadows hands pulling them back to the door in which they entered the room. As they're tugged back into the void the light that guided them grows and more distant until they find themselves in complete darkness, and once they're fully consumed by the void they're thoughts will begin to escape their mind. Slowly their memory will wither, and then their sense of self dwindling and reverting to that of a nascent being. Maybe it was curiosity. Maybe you felt its importance. Either way you deliberately disobeyed Deus and took the gem on the white table with you as you were dragged back into the void of death, and as you left that void the jewel seemingly traveled with you. A treasure owned by a god, just what kind of repercussions would be held for taking something like that with you to the new world? But then that woman's voice would be heard once again before the embers of their past existence finally dies out. [b]"Quite disobedient, aren't we?"[/b] She would whisper to your fading soul. And then you're reborn, to a new family and a new world. All dreams and aspirations from your former self are forgotten, a free spirit to explore what awaits in the new world. Whether that be an exciting new life on earth or a relaxing one enjoying the comfort of monotony is to seen, but each of these former heroes have one thing in common. Around the age of ten years old they'd find that a translucent gem somehow made its way into their bedroom, bathroom, somewhere in their proximity. When their skin meets the crystalline surface, a strange familiarity would surge through them and bring comfort usually causing the child to hold onto the object instinctively. Over time the child's parents would find that their offspring is surprisingly gifted at [b]something[/b]. Whether it be reading languages, dancing, singing, swordplay, or painting, this gifted child stands out among the crowd and brings pride to their family and are recognized by their peers. Eventually a knock on the door would arrive and behind that door would be a two black-suited Americans wishing to talk to your parents. They offer the best schooling possible, promises of success, deep rooted connections in the world of the elite, all of which will be finely tuned in order to bring out the fullest potential for their child. An offer that no parents could ignore and most would take this offer with no questions asked. Sending their child to Kurtzpel University is the greatest opportunity for any youth. And then you pack your things into the fancy limousine and kiss your parents goodbye. [/hider][/i] [hider=Character Format][center][h3]Name[/h3] [i]Image of Artwork/Anime that best represents your character.[/i] [b]Age[/b] * [b]Gender [/b]* [b]Birthday[/b][/center] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200413/69198f2586b4b5a9a8720f43e4359f55.png[/img] [b]Physical Description :[/b] [color=gray]What does this student look like?[/color] [b]Personality Description :[/b] [color=gray]Explain the behavioral mannerisms of the student. You can also list tropes that they fill?[/color] [b]Bio Description :[/b] [color=gray]Who is this student, where did they come from?[/color] [b]Talents :[/b] [color=gray]What are they good at? Things they've learned in their new life and also things they've inherited from the past.[/color] [b]Academic Affinity :[/b] [color=gray]Which subject are they strongest at? Can be one not listed below.[/color] [b]Extra :[/b] [color=gray]Extra stuff.[/color] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200413/44ddc31f4b9694e9d3567970a244f393.png[/img] [b]Physical Description :[/b] [color=gray]What did this hero used to look like?[/color] [b]Bio Description :[/b] [color=gray]Be as extensive or brief as you like. Tell us about their past life.[/color] [b]Legends :[/b] [color=gray]Any legends or stories about your character prior to being reincarnated.[/color] [b]Combat Affinities :[/b] [color=gray]Strong suits of physical combat. Styles, martial arts, but no actual chuunibyou finisher moves?[/color] [b]Magic Affinities :[/b] [color=gray]Affinities of magic that you had. Don't list spells, just specializations?[/color] [b]Extra :[/b] [color=gray]What was the OP to their Anime?[/color] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200413/f197c2e300b595449c1b70d9272b60d1.png[/img] [i]Name of Gem :[/i] [color=gray]A fractal of your past life that you carried with you. Holds your [i]twenty[/i] status points for combat in the future.[/color] [color=7FFFD4]Stamina :[/color] [color=gray]How sturdy is your body?[/color] [color=FFA07A]Strength :[/color] [color=gray]How macho are you?[/color] [color=F0E68C]Dexterity :[/color] [color=gray]How nimble is your body?[/color] [color=00BFFF]Intellect :[/color] [color=gray]How wise are you?[/color] [color=9370D8]Faith :[/color] [color=gray]How faithful are you to God, or the previous gods of your old world?[/color] [/hider][hr] [center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/d1e714896732af7881104e09545a1188586bda2b/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f314938465a6d724c3352695767413d3d2d3539333937343538382e313533623336653930306438366338303337323231373632393336342e676966[/img][/center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200412/41dc4500fdf092c1061fabedd5ff84d0.png[/img] [i][color=48AF5D]Kurtzpel Academy is an enigmatic occurrence in the academic world. Not only is the school privately owned and staffed, but also it is strangely tucked away on an unmarked island where a town surrounds the sprawling Academy facilities. Within the school you'd find that it incorporates a multitude of studies, contemporary and even some more niche ones. The teaching staff are hand selected by the school's figurehead Barnes Macantire, all of which are specialists in their specific fields that they teach. The staff members are required to sign non-disclosure agreements and are compensated financially to live on the island alongside the students. The Academy itself is a beautiful structure constructed to be a spectacle inside and out, gardens, marble pillars, polished hallways, aesthetics spared no dollar when it was built. But there are also more specific constructs within the schoolgrounds. Behind the Academy is a massive sports field with a track route, batting cages, and even an indoor facility with a swimming pool. There's also gardens scattered around the facility which are maintained by a large team of groundskeepers, one of which holds a whitestone statue of a beautiful woman holding a spear in her right hand and a lantern in the left. Club activities and class comradery are very encouraged at Kurtzpel, as is competition among the students. Tests are held with scores being ranked for public display, higher rankings are rewarded where lower standings are punished. Afterall, in order to even gain the attention of the Academy's benefactors you'd need to be extremely gifted in the first place. These students are the cream of the crop an have gotten to that point through whatever means necessary, by their own hand or their parents. To uphold that standard the teachers are ruthless on the students with their performance having no restraint in enacting disciplinary measures and often expelling students who fall below a certain grading average.[/color] [hider=Misc School Info][color=gray][b]Schooling Style -[/b] Western [b]Student Age Range -[/b] 10 through 18 [b]Scheduled Hours -[/b] 0600 til 1300(6am til 1pm) [b]Standardized Courses -[/b] Linear Algebra, Structural Biology, Literary Analysis, Theoretical Historiography, and Cognitive Psychology.[/color][/hider] [hider=Standard Course Teachers] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LLqt55V.png[/img][/center] [b]Petir Donh Leon - Cognitive Psychology[/b] The newest teacher in Kurtzpel's Staff. Mr. Leon seems to be a bit of womanizer among the staff. He doesn't get along with Mr. Macantire. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JezDZGc.png[/img][/center] [b]Bailey Brooke Bambauer - Literary Analysis[/b] Barely speaks to their students, reads even while teaching. A popular teacher among the students, mostly because of their laxness. Seemingly really chummy with Ms. Fletcher, speaking to her remotely over voice chat during school hours. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Hqmc4GA.png[/img][/center] [b]Cha Jong-heun - Structural Biology[/b] Monotone, boring, the type of teacher who puts you to sleep. Mr. Jong-heun is more famous than the other teachers in mainstream media. Lives in the forest for some reason? [center][img]https://cdn.picrew.me/app/share/202004/268253_Wfsv3PAz.png[/img][/center] [b]Dawn Union Macantire - Theoretical Historiography[/b] Not cut out for the teaching gig, but she's Ms. Macantire so.. Tends to go on long rants about conspiracy theories. She smokes indoors and people hate that. [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/235198958/original.gif[/img][/center] [b]Tiara Quinn Fletcher - Linear Algebra[/b] Not A.I, Ms. Fletcher lives somewhere on Alano and teaches remotely. She controls the security infrastructure in the Academy. Rumor has it that she's younger than some of the students. [/hider] [hider=School Layout]To be added.[/hider] [hr][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/93/58/67/93586759ac61df197671df5868c1b8d0.gif[/img][/center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200412/36830772a19b79373f8c7a3d695642c7.png[/img] [color=48AF5D]Alano is roughly 45 square miles in size making it large enough to host the school and the town around it, with a small circumference of forest around it's borders to masque the constructs from ships passing by. There is a constant surveillance along these borders with armed guards patrolling the beaches to dissuade any curious travelers who happen upon Alano on accident. The school sits in the centermost of the island and although the academy is a marvel of architecture it was constructed with the forestline in mind to shroud structures. The whitewood trees on Alano are quite tall but this sentiment is shared among all the buildings even in the town. The town isn't as fancily designed as the academy instead being constructed of more typical painted concrete and brick, but the islander aesthetic does come through at the more leisurely locations, with tiki bars and totem poles at some locations. The people who live on the island that aren't school staff or students are employed by Kurtzpel's benefactors to keep the town organic and lively. Many of these employees took the job happily as they were financially compensated quite well, and were even given free housing on the island. Because of this a lot of these employees even opted to take their families along with them to Alano which resulted in daycares and children facilities being built afterwards as well.[/color] [hider=Island Layout]To be added.[/hider][/i]