One the topic of the ffvii remake-- well here's my thoughts. I wish we had like... actual puzzles involved, maybe puzzles like in zelda or just anything really. Most parts are like, what other people said, naviagting through corridors and rooms and the pace makes it seem so sluggish. It would have been funner if there was more to explore, or just like, some fun puzzles to do. I had fun with some of the quests, others I wasn't a fan of. I enjoyed the quest with the tonberry fight, not because it was necessarily hard but ive never beaten a tonberry in a ff game before so it was rewarding, even if it was easy lol. I liked how the behemoth quest tied in nicely with like 4 other quests. Other quests I found slow. Honeybee inn was one of my fave parts. That dance scene was hilarious and fun. I really enjoyed the battle system, but like some others said, i didnt like the phases of the bosses. My favorite boss was the boss in the train yard (i really enjoyed that part, wish they could have made it even creepier tho!) I don't know if I enjoyed the bosses that much.. It seemed like most of them could be defeated without stagger pretty easily, and its not like I was trying to grind levels or anything. I did play on classic, and Im going to attempt hard after i beat the game so maybe the bosses will be harder. Loved the music, especially the song that plays when tifa and aerith team up to beat don corneo. I have so many workout songs from this soundtrack, and I listen to it ay work too. I love it! Havent gotten to the end (pretty close though!) but i keep hearing stuff about time travel and like, how the characters might use it to... prevent something from happening I guess? And i really just hope they don bring aerith back for the sake of bringing her back. Just my two cents. [hider=Just beat the game... spoilers ahead] Wow, I don't know what to say. Honestly? I think it could work. I'm feeling kind of conflicted about it, but he more i think about it, the more I think it doesn't necessarily ruin ffvii. Theres multiple timelines. The original ffvii was one timeline. This is a different one with a different story, and thats not necessarily a bad thing. Normally I'm really iffy on dead characters coming back. And I still feel iffy about it, but this feels more like "what would happen if they lived?" instead of just bringing them back from death, if that makes sense. Besides, I absolutely love Zack, and to see how things would turn out if he hadn't died is interesting. [/hider]