Major Arthur Bradford sat in silence watching the village of Appleby go by through the carriage window. It felt unnatural to be enclosed in a carriage as it roared through the streets. He felt like he had no control. Major Bradford, a cavalry Officer of the 75th Regiment of Light Dragoons, who had spent a large majority of the past decade on horse back, was not accustomed to be driven around. But at the bequest of his Commanding Officer Lt. Colonel Christopher Hollyworth, he joined the Colonel and his wife in the carriage on their way to the Town Hall. The other half dozen Cavalry Officers who wanted to join in the local festivities decided to arrive on horse back. It was Captain Mathieson he believed who proposed the plan to arrive with great fanfare on their warhorses dressed in their ceremonial uniforms. As comfortable as Arthur felt on his horse, the boisterous energy of the younger officers eventually convinced him to take up his Commanding Officers request to join him in his carriage. Major Bradford, considered by many who knew him, as a respectable Gentleman, with a respectable profession from a good Family. He stood a good few inches taller than the average man, with head of blonde hair; neither styled nor unkept but presentable. Unlike many in their late twenties, the 28 year old remained a Bachelor. The Colonel and Mrs Hollyworth conversed quietly opposite the Major. For nearly a decade, Arthur had served with the man. Mrs Hollyworth was a cheerful soul who couldn’t hide her excitement and glee to have her Husband back in England, and to have some resemblance of normality in her life. She chatted excitedly which barely left any space for her Husband to respond other than the occasional ‘yes dear’, or nod in agreement. There was a lull in the conversation and the Mrs Hollyworth turned to the Major. “How about you Major Bradford? Isn’t it splendid to back in England again? To finally be in the company of true society.” Arthur smiled courteously in response and dipped his head respectfully. “ Of course Ma’am. And what better way to enjoy the evening than to travel with such fine company,” Arthur replied. The Colonel chuckled knowing full well how his subordinate truly felt. “Yes. Yes Major. What fine company we are,” Mrs Hollyworth responded as she continued on with her excited chatting. The carriage slowed as they reached the Town Hall followed by six young officers on horse back. Just as Captain Mathieson had hoped for, the nine of them entered with great fanfare and excitement. Fully dressed in their ceremonial garbs, swords by their sides, every eye turned to the boisterous group as the eight officers and the Colonel’s wife entered the town hall.