[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/mortal-engines-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200416/745c1de649c1ce9b47224e2f2edd87ef.png[/img][/url][/center] "[color=FEFF00]Time to do a little shopping...[/color]" Apollo chuckled to himself as he pulled the cargo truck into the loading area behind the surplus store. No gate. No guards posted. And now, thanks to Bacchus, no police within mile of the place. Everything was going so smoothly he wouldn't have been surprised if somebody left the back door wide open. He pulled the truck up to the loading dock. He could have used the scope focus on his visual sensor the determine to a centimeter the distance of the back of the truck from the dock, but he was proud of his driving techique to a fault. He prefered to use his standard visual setting if he had to be suited up. And if there was one thing he'd learned in Olympus, it was that you better be suited up when in the field. He parked at a good centimeter away and radioed the squad still in the back with a playful, musical tone to his voice. "[color=FEFF00]Ladies and Gentleman, we are here! Everybody's got their shopping list?[/color]"