[centre][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200412/e763e778f1f0fbad962a0c47f4b9b70b.png[/img][/centre] Mars was sitting in the back of the truck. He checked the cylinders on both of his revolvers, double-checking they were clean and loaded. It was supposed to be clear, but he never went in without loaded guns. Mars holstered tHE revolvers, before tapping the side of his head. Activating his Holo-Lens. Bringing up a list of computer components and other whosits and whatsits. Mars had a bad feeling about this. It was a simple endeavour, Bacchus leads the police away, and the rest of them break in and rob the place for everything it's worth. This plan, of course, failed to account for local security and alarms/traps. Moving to the next screen on his Holo-Lens, he looked over the available schematics for the building. Trying to plan his route. That was when he felt the truck come to a stop. [color=crimson]"We're here."[/color] He muttered to himself before the announcement came through. Being closest to the door, he stood up and rolled up the door. Tapping his Holo-Lens again to open the Comm channel. [color=crimson]"We are good to go. I'll meet you all inside."[/color] He said stepping out of the back of the truck. Drawing the revolver loaded with Willie Ps, he moved off to the side. He was gonna find another way in. He didn't trust the back door being left unguarded.