[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PSPQR7y.png[/img] [hr][hr] [/center] [pre] [hider=NPC Name Here][center] [b][Age | Name | Gender][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A concise summary of their appearance, and role in the story. Personality optional. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] If applicable. [/center][/hider] [/pre] [hider][indent] [h2][color=black][b]♦ The Coven ♦[/b][/color][/h2][hr] [hider=Chompy][center] [b][Physically like ten years old | Chompy the Alligator (Actual name the Pond) | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] An Apparition named the Pond that, out of desperation, was placed into an alligator by Emily G. Reed and the rest of the Coven in her little class on sealing Apparitions. Since then, the Apparition has shown gratitude towards the Coven and became their "familiar" or something. He guards the Coven and acts as the team pet... but doesn't really talk a whole lot. [url=https://nas.er.usgs.gov/XIMAGESERVERX/2019/20190613131315.JPG]Chompy takes the appearance of a six and a half foot long American Alligator[/url] Usually Chompy hangs out around the casino but sometimes hangs around the various members of the Coven. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Abscised - The Pond[/i] The Pond, as an Apparition, represents the spirit of the beauty of, well, a pond. True to its name, the Pond can instantly create a pond where ever he is that grows in size the larger he stays in the area. Chompy can manipulate all water and, while in water, has super speed. Other people can have super speed long as they ride him or something. He has an instinctive knowledge of all waterways, which allows him to effortlessly travel from one end of Tampa to the other. [/center][/hider] [h2][color=black][b]♦ Citizens of Tampa ♦[/b][/color][/h2][hr] [hider=Reporter Molly Schuler][center] [b][28 | Molly April Schuler | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Molly Schuler, intrepid reporter. Molly was the top-reporter in New York, and was often the first face people see on the news when something happens. Now she's the top reporter for Tampa's channel 8! [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2a/f4/bd/2af4bd043a34eb985e30c20822aab441.jpg]She's a woman of Eastern European descents, going off her Olive skin but she claims that she's part Indian. She has sharp facial features and is quite striking, her black hair is tied into a neat bun. Her body is curvy, and she usually wears suits that accentuate her figure.[/url] [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Her only power is being at the right place at the right time. [/center][/hider] [h2][color=black][b]♦ Paragon Labcorps ♦[/b][/color][/h2][hr] [hider=Blake Schmidt][center] [i]"Splendid!"[/i] [b][38 | Blake [i]FUCKING[/i] Schmidt | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] An eccentric millionaire that's the head of the Paragon Labcorp. He inherited the position from his father and pretty much just delegates the task to his underlings and takes credit for it. While he's having sex with his many secretaries. [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/f26d5a95123e511bcce8d23852fd23fb/ed6cf8343b95f3f5-e9/s1280x1920/ee7791b244cd71e1acbf0c92d344a2436755e488.jpg]Blake is a tall, well-built man with black hair and a beard[/url]. He's very eccentric, grandiose, and has a mild God complex... and he recently just discovered the supernatural and wants to delve into that world. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Currently has no powers. [/center][/hider] [hider=Jenna L. Lyons][center] [b][23 | Jenna Lara Lyons | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The young and mousy secretary of Blake Schmidt. She's one of his closet secretaries (other than the fact that they bang) and usually the one he bounces ideas off of. Jenna usually tries to keep his eccentrics under wraps and tries to at least make sure he's doing the right thing. Sometimes she feels like a glorified babysitter... as Blake allows her to do whatever she wants at work long as their "arrangement" is honored. Usually, she's playing Fortnite or Minecraft on the job and makes somebody "lower-ranking" than her do her work (usually Emily G. Reed) [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b8/05/d1/b805d1c4f18463bf32a17c290f592d99.jpg]Jenna is a very short and mousy woman at four-ten and has red hair tied neatly into a bun and wears glasses.[/url] [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] None. [/center][/hider] [hider=Koda Makoto][center] [b][38 | Koda Makoto | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The other "go-to" Secretary for Blake Schmidt who usually plays off of his wackiness. Usually, Makoto not far away from Schmidt and if she is; then she's doing a personal errand for her. It doesn't matter what he asks because of another "arrangement" she gets paid like fifty an hour. What a deal. She always has a trademark smile on her face and is always joking and flirting with people. [url=https://i.imgur.com/NR44nd9.jpg]Makoto is a tall Japanese American with a fairly slim build and is always smiling.[/url] [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] None. [/center][/hider] [hider=Phillis W. Schmidt][center] [b][35 | Phillis Willow Schmidt (Nee Flowers) | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Phillis the frustrated and beleaguered wife of Blake Schmidt who was originally a model that Blake picked up when he was young. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f5/5b/8b/f55b8b6b03f29451172ec55a619fc9d2.jpg]Phillis is a pretty tall Caucasian woman at five-eleven and called stunning by a large group of people.[/url] She had two children with the man but the pain of being constantly cheated on burns her. So far her husband has been caught up in so many scandals and other accusations that she had to delete herself off social media due to the harassment. It's all rumors, but Blake has been throwing a lot of money their way... and that's proof enough. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Awakened - Pleasure Negating Field.[/i] After a chance encounter with Maya Choi, Phillis Awakened with the ability to create a bright pink light around herself that removes a person's ability to feel physical pleasure. It doesn't work on Extra-Normals due to Emotional-Fields but unfortunately, it works on Blake just fine. [/center][/hider] [h2][color=black][b]♦ Dollhouse ♦[/b][/color][/h2][hr] [hider=Luis G. Cox & Hemorrhagia][center] [b][36 | Luis Gabriel Cox | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The leader of the Dollhouse organization, former organ trafficker, and current boogeyman. Luis was formerly a hitman in the employ of the Russian mafia, whenever they needed someone to disappear Luis was that man. He used to make "good use" out of the people that he killed by selling their organs. However, he had a debt that he owed them and they turned against him, sending men to kill him. When Luis was dying, [i]she[/i] came, Hemorrhagia the Apparition. She offered him a deal that she couldn't refuse; give her annual blood sacrifices and she would grant him immortality. Suddenly, Luis became a boogeyman within the criminal underground (Luis the undying they called him) and the black market... where he used magic to change the game. He assembled Doll-House with the sole intention of building a new organization of criminals and black market dealers. Luis is a very cunning and ruthless man but he takes no pride in killing, and he prefers to avoid it unless absolutely necessary. Hemorrhagia on the other hand is a similarly power-hungry Apparition that wants an army of Abscised at her beck and call. Luis is a tall and slender man at six-five and has lots of lean muscle packed on. [url=https://i.imgur.com/STbc5kZ.jpg]He's Half-Spanish, Half-Caucasian and has a man-bun and a beard.[/url] Likes to wear white button-up shirts. [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/415e335e-b1cb-4849-9250-5b886f627634/d1o08wq-81b5ee96-c0e3-4ed7-97ac-1a6c6c005a26.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNDE1ZTMzNWUtYjFjYi00ODQ5LTkyNTAtNWI4ODZmNjI3NjM0XC9kMW8wOHdxLTgxYjVlZTk2LWMwZTMtNGVkNy05N2FjLTFhNmM2YzAwNWEyNi5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.-TWwKN4lL7qZBQbRI7l0IhQtkGXbJsXildLF9utGuK4]Hemorrhagia, on the other hand, is a being comprised of blood and takes the form of a female[/url] with constructs made out of blood floating around her. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Affixed - Vampire-King.[/i] Apart of the deal that Hemorrhagia made with Luis, she has granted him one of the strongest healing factors in the setting. To put it simply, Luis is more or less immortal and will simply instantly heal from any damage provided nothing is obstructing him. Cut off his fingers? They'll be back in the blink of an eye. Stab him? He pulls out the knife and it's closed. Cut off his head? Well, it'll regrow but he won't have any memory. Apart of his deal, he was granted immense physical strength and agility, as well as the ability to grow claws. He's physically one of the strongest members of the Doll-House. Luis can also donate more blood to Hemorrhagia in exchange for more power, and apart of his aura sensing allows him to sense blood. [/center][/hider][hider=Natalie T. Parts][center] [b][32 | Natalie Texas Parts | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A former Marine that enlisted at a very young age but left after two contracts and retired to Florida due to dissatisfaction with the Marines (Despite that she flexes about being a "Devil Dog"). Natalie became a Miami-Dade sheriff... a dirty one at that. She would turn the other way or someone would disappear for the right price and become heavily involved in the criminal underworld. Primarily the organ trafficking... and once she discovered her Adept Heritage she was drawn to Luis the Undying. She became the second in command of his Dollhouse organization and acts as the security guard for him. Natalie is a usually tough, loud-mouthed, and sarcastic woman that gives little thought to class or tact. She curses constantly and talks a lot of shit... and she's a huge gun nut (her channeler is actually a gun). [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/6b0c5fec0f2a134cf86f4523a5a883a6/tumblr_p33qwg5lf51u22cq7o1_1280.jpg]Natalie is a short (about five-one) Caucasian woman with brown hair[/url] that always wears a cowboy hat for some reason. She always has one of her two revolvers on her if she doesn't have. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Unknown. [/center][/hider][hider=Zara T. Young][center] [b][26 | Zara Taylor Young | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Zara is a relatively recent Apparition that was originally merely a secretary for Paragon Industries. She was forced out of her body after being deceived by an Apparition and became an Apparition herself. The wandering spirit drifted from place to place looking for a new body... until she joined the Dollhouse and got a new body. One that was a trillion times better than before, but she stuck around with them out of appreciation for giving her back her humanity. Zara has zero compunctions with working with monsters and stealing people's bodies out of sheer frustration for losing her original body and due to her powerful Abstraction, Luis keeps her close. [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/ba055c722f8b482d388dd2ca06296878/a4e80257dcb35f3a-74/s1280x1920/87866bb640799a839760155f6e62c29b41e9b505.jpg]Zara's current body is a really tall and lanky Caucasian woman with black hair and many ear piercings.[/url] [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Unknown. [/center][/hider][hider=The Mannequin][center] [b][Centuries old | Heinrich Thòrmer | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] An associate of Hemmorrhagia and the Apparition of a Nazi scientist that, in time, lost his faith in the whole Nazi thing. However, what he didn't lose was the fact that he was one of the greatest scientific minds in the worlds and after becoming an Apparition all he was interested in was science. He wants to use magic to expand the fragile limitations placed on science. The Mannequin found himself joining the Dollhouse and became Luis' third in command. The Mannequin has long lost all humanity and sees humans as mere tools at best and test dummies at worst. Because of this loss of humanity, the Mannequin doesn't even use a human body... but instead [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/738433662646747166/744173714970640424/tumblr_owiwzp8fOI1va87k2o1_500.jpg?width=271&height=465]inhabits a strange human-sized doll with white hair and feminine features and a whole in the center[/url]. While it may appear feminine, this doll-like body has no face. This body looks like it's made out of ceramic and he walks in ways that makes it look like he should fall over. Whenever he talks, he speaks in a quiet whisper. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Apparition - Telekinetic-Soul[/i] When Heinrich died he became a living telekinetic force, a localized telekinetic storm you could say. It took him decades to master this ability but he can force his soul into a vessel, a human body or a doll-body, and perform all sorts of insane feats. First off the Mannequin is a telekinetic being that can manipulate the environment around him with mere thought. He can't exactly flip cars but he can launch a knife fast enough to put it through someone's skull. The Mannequin can use his telekinetic soul to move his current vessal, the Mannequin-Doll, in any way he can think of and he uses this to walk on walls, disassemble himself and manipulate each part, fly, and other fun tasks. The Mannequin's body [i]does[/i] have tons of knives hidden... [/center][/hider] [hider=Johnny J. Valos][center] [b][21 | Johnny Jason Valos | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The Pusha man himself, Johnny Valos was a spoiled brat that used to have it all, being the son of a local casino and entertainment mogul. However, Johnny crossed the line and ended up getting booted out of the Valos family fortune. That's cool because Johnny got himself a brand new hustle; the Dollhouse. He's one of the few people within their ranks that they [i]haven't[/i] abscised, and boy he's trying to avoid that fate. Johnny is a quick-talking, arrogant, prick that thinks that he owns the world. Though, he's getting fed up with this constant Extra-Normal bullshit, being the hero of another story, and just wants to chill with some bitches. [url=https://i.imgur.com/qoGRuB7.jpg]Johnny himself is a six-five, half-black, half-Cuban male[/url] that is a pretty slim build, he thinks himself as the sexiest man alive. Despite his arrogance, he does have a soft spot for friendship and values his family - and has an instinct like no other that tells him when shit's up. Also, Johnny's a gun nut and augments his gunplay with his abstraction. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Unknown. [/center][/hider][hider=The Ghost of Rosie Owens][center] [b][83 | Rosie Gabrielle Owens | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Rosie Owens was the woman that had it all! She lived off of her husband's income and had a nice house in California with kids. She was a model and considered to be the most gorgeous woman... until she was murdered by a serial killer sexual deviant. Since then, her Apparition has wandered the earth, looking for a purpose. That was before she ran into Hemorrhagia and she was given a purpose in Dollhouse... after she got a body that she liked. Since then she's working as an enforcer in Hemorrhagia's growing army of Abscised. Rosie Owens' current body is a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/06/32/13/0632130f87a54904489ce83f80f4aa01.jpg]tall, red-haired, curvy woman[/url] that was some soccer mom that went on vacation in Miami and got abscised. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Unknown. [/center][/hider][hider=The Ghost of Greta Faust][center] [b][392 | Greta Faust | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A woman from another dimension where alchemy and other such science was illegal and considered witchcraft. She learned this "witchcraft" in the shadows of her people, before she was found out and brutally killed. However, her apparition lives on and continues her plan to learn and master her new abstraction. Greta Faust is most likely Hemorrhagia's closet ally given how powerful her abstraction is. Faust possesses a [url=https://redhairshades.tumblr.com/image/25428537434]a short woman with dyed red hair and glasses[/url] that was a girl that was attending a festival in Miami. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Unknown [/center][/hider][hider=The Body Weaver][center] [b][8 | The Body Weaver | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A relatively young and recent Apparition that was formed from people's intense desire to look perfect even if it isn't possible. The Body Weaver was born from that desire and gained an abstraction reflecting that. The Body Weaver originally went around granting people the body that they desired before it was nabbed by Hemorrhagia and given a body. The Body Weaver [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8f/6f/4e/8f6f4ebe2abb7a6197f6ca8185616b89.jpg]inhabits the body of a curvy African-American woman[/url] with an afro and many piercings that was kidnapped from a club. The Body Weaver isn't the most talkative of the Dollhouse but she is by far the most useful. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Unknown. [/center][/hider][hider=Sharon E. Reid][center] [b][21 | Sharon Emily Reid | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] An Apparition that has a lot to answer for in her own opinion, Sharon Reid was a native of Farmer Hill that suffered from a wide range of... behavioral issues. She was the daughter of John Reid, the town's guardian... who she killed under the belief that he was a serial killer that murdered her mother and little sister. However, the truth was that her [i]mother[/i] was the serial killer that was corrupted by the Glutton, and it wasn't until she died that she found out the truth. That she had murdered several people in the name of a simple lie, before she met her own end at the hands of Penny Lawson. However, her grief, guilt, and regret allowed her to return as an Apparition... and through Hemorrhagia's smooth-talking she joined Dollhouse and got [url=https://i.imgur.com/XznwjK3.jpg]a new body[/url]. The body of some girl who isn't even from the Miami part of Florida, more from the Floribama panhandle who was a meth addict who got snatched and eventually bought by Dollhouse. Sharon Reid's current body is about five-seven, skinny, and has dreadlocks mixed with her natural hair. The girl has a lot to make up for, but she wishes to get out of Dollhouse's debt because they're not great people. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Abscised - Swarm Form.[/i] Sharon Reid gained a version of her abstraction in life, which was the ability to dominate the minds of insects and control them. However, as an Apparition, she [i]is[/i] a living swarm of insects. At will, Sharon can transform into a massive swarm of flying insects that she can use to rapidly travel around the environment and dodge attacks. The swarm is treated as one large entity so it can't [i]quite[/i] split up into a bunch of smaller swarms but it can slip anywhere that has cracks large enough for insects to fit through. The Swarm is a mixture of bees, flies, hornets, butterflies, beetles, etc, etc, and it can easily kill a human being. [/center][/hider] [h2][color=black][b]♦ Project Worlds Unknown ♦[/b][/color][/h2][hr] [hider=Rowan Campbell][center] [b][20 | Rowan Campbell | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Kimberly's cameraman that she met in New York and became close friends with after saving him from a wide variety of supernatural bullshit (the usual). [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/1e9ba2cb-529a-4354-bf74-ed82c8a4f24d/db2l33g-68619359-6701-4c33-befe-173653342240.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_683,q_75,strp/frank_bowers_cosplay_by_kuromaru_dono_db2l33g-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjgzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMWU5YmEyY2ItNTI5YS00MzU0LWJmNzQtZWQ4MmM4YTRmMjRkXC9kYjJsMzNnLTY4NjE5MzU5LTY3MDEtNGMzMy1iZWZlLTE3MzY1MzM0MjI0MC5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.UUGtN0mboKbKawQeiT7HlJv-kixTH_4ECcg7mGU0wf4]He's a relatively gruff looking man at five-nine and has bright blonde hair[/url]. They make quite the odd couple when they're seen out in public but Kimberly doesn't really care. Long as he holds her camera, she's happy. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Awakened - Protection[/i] Rowan can wrap a barrier around whatever and whoever he's currently touching and this makes them resistant to all forms of damage long as he's in contact with it. [/center][/hider] [h2][color=black][b]♦ THE DENS ♦[/b][/color][/h2][hr] [hider=Meifeng Liào][center] [i]"Live for something, friend. The last thing anyone wants is to die in a ditch looking up at the sky realizing they did nothing with their lives."[/i] [b][42 | Meifeng Liào (nee Zhao) | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The Matriarch of the Liào family (mother of the wonderful Liào twins) and a woman whose realizing that her prime is quickly escaping her. In her youth, she was called the Zhao Flower for her beauty, but she hated that since she was a short-tempered badass in her own words. Now, Meifeng is the stern, ruthless, and obstinate matriarch of the Liào family... and doubts everything due to a horrible chain of events. The Liào matriarch is the head of a secret government agency's (known as the DENS) elite task force tasked to killing Annabelle Heart. Which is why she makes sure to maintain her physical body and she is in amazing shape despite having two kids and entering her forties. Age hasn't hit her yet and she's muscular in all the practical ways. [url=https://i.imgur.com/F9bxAZr.jpg]Age hasn't hit her as she doesn't have a wrinkle on her face, long black hair, and stands at five-eleven.[/url] Meifeng's best friend is Cindy Keagan, her partner in crime and childhood friend. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Awakened - Metal-Manipulation.[/i] After a tragic revelation, Meifeng Awakened with the ability to control metal. It's a fairly destructive and powerful ability that seemingly focuses on the telekinetic aspect of the metal manipulation. She can control a few tons at a time and do all sorts of neat tricks. She has a hard time actually shaping metal because any attempts to shape will cause it to be horribly bent and deformed... unless it's a blade or sharp object. [/center][/hider] [hider=Cindy G. Jean-Pierre][center] [i]"Lord knows I've been trying to do the right thing."[/i] [b][38 | Cindy Gabrielle Jean-Pierre (Nee Keagan) | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Meifeng's best friend and a resident of LA. Cindy always had big dreams and after the death of her father when she was 18, Cindy decided to join the army. She served one contract active duty (As a 42A) where she met her husband, Francis Jean-Pierre. Since then, Cindy has worked for the Reserves where she earned her degree and joined the FBI (actually in the DENS). Cindy works for both organizations and has become an officer in the reserves and it really made her into a leader, which brushed off onto her best friend Meifeng. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/7d/de/bd/7ddebd0395c349eefa61bb774b9d3b4b--medium-black-hairstyles-natural-twist-hairstyles.jpg]Cindy herself has kept in relatively good shape and hasn't aged all that well. While she's not as big of a fitness nut as Meifeng she is still in amazing shape for having a sun.[/url] Cindy can at least boast that she has a bigger butt than her friend. Tragedy struck Cindy and Meifeng, and she's been denying promotions to desk work to stay by Meifeng's side - only to keep her safe. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Afflicted - Glass Curse.[/i] Cindy was cursed by an Apparition known as the Fragile Goddess. At it's basest level the curse is all about transforming whatever Cindy touches into glass at random, but she learned how to control her curse. She can now, at will, instantly transform an object into glass and create glass constructs from the environment around her. [/center][/hider] [hider=Maximilian A. Cornell][center] [i]"We'll find a way, I promise."[/i] [b][27 | Maximilian Alexander Cornell | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A DENS agent posing as the FBI that's under the wing of Agents Meifeng Liao & Cindy Keagan. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/aa/f4/e5/aaf4e5a3d5b2c18cf7089fe87fe6b8ac.jpg]He's an absolute mountain of a man at six-five, muscular, and has broad shoulders.[/url] He's incredibly kind, good-natured, and always tries to do the right thing... even if the right thing isn't always the best choice for everyone. He rushes from A to B with little consideration or maneuverability, but he's been learning how to slow down. However, he's been getting acquainted with the supernatural. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Awakened - Collective Awakening[/i] Maximilian is apart of a collective and thanks to the planning of Meifeng he got his hands on the full abilities. Thus, Maximilian is more or less one of the strongest Awakened in the setting. [i]Rocketeer.[/i] Maximilian's personal abstraction, it's more or less flight that launches him in a direction of choice at insanely high speeds. He can outrun most other fliers and fortunately, he can control how fast he can go, at the cost of not being able to maneuver. [i]Position-Locking[/i] The abstraction that belonged to a busy bee that just wanted to slow down. Maximilian can, at will, completely lock his current position in place and negate all momentum and kinetic energy. This can allow him to hover in one spot if he pleases and works well with his rocketeer. [i]Emotional-Field Attunement.[/i] Maximilian, at will, can adjust his Emotional-Field and render himself almost immune to a certain type of Extra-Normal damage (Say fire, blunt force, etc, etc). Only for Extra-Normal attacks, though, a normie can come in and stab him in the kidneys. [i]Transmutation-Beams[/i] Maximilian believes that this is probably the most powerful ability apart of his collective, probably even among the Awakened. He can fire blue blasts of energy - usually in the form of beams - out of his hands that changes matter from one form to another. For example, he can turn stone into air, air into water, and so on. It's only limited by his knowledge but it has no direct effect on Extra-Normal beings. [i]Crystal-Generation.[/i] Maximilian can create blue crystals from his body that are hard as far as gemstones go but brittle. He can create them in any shape he desires and fire them in like spikes. He can create dramatic structures relatively easily. [i]Impact-Force.[/i] Maximilian has the ability to augment his strikes with immense magical energy, causing an explosion of force. This will allow him to shatter steel and breakthrough defenses quite easily. [/center][/hider] [hider=Sonya S. Mayfield (DECEASED)][center] "Buckle up, lassie!" [b][25 | Sonya Summer Mayfield | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] For a secret Agent, Sonya is eccentric, bubbly, and overly kind and compassionate. Her bubbliness greatly contrasts with the rest of her team. She's just another special agent and she really adds levity to the group with her attitude. [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a01e34e3-3ed2-41fa-9a0b-543652a5889e/d6d7dw5-5421a20d-d933-4e92-a1ae-171edf5d1763.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1372,q_75,strp/me_me_me_by_dyaniann_d6d7dw5-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTM3MiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2EwMWUzNGUzLTNlZDItNDFmYS05YTBiLTU0MzY1MmE1ODg5ZVwvZDZkN2R3NS01NDIxYTIwZC1kOTMzLTRlOTItYTFhZS0xNzFlZGY1ZDE3NjMuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.VTzxDa_UK6BNiiQJh4kpPJpYfvW-ByY1SY7xjHFyfY8]Usually Sonya is a relatively short woman at five-two with a head of blonde hair and is in pretty good shape.[/url] She was in the military as a 19D and one of the best shots there... until she joined the FBI. Married to Maria. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Afflicted - Amphibian-Form[/i] Sonya was nearly sacrificed to a Frog-Apparition-God-Thingy and she came out of the experience with the ability to shift into a half-frog, half-human. She can shift into a form where her eyes are massive, her hands and feet are webbed, covered in slime, and she has a massive mouth full of teeth and a tongue that is strong as steel. She can jump higher, regenerate (even limbs), camouflage herself, swim extremely fast, enhanced senses, an extremely strong bite, can survive being frozen solid, and can even change genders. [/center][/hider] [hider=Maria Mayfield (DECEASED)][center] [i]"I'd watch your back if I were you...."[/i] [b][24 | Maria Mayfield (Nee Costello) | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Sonya's partner in crime that she met in the army, the two eloped and eventually got married. Now they serve as partners in the DENS and have been assigned to Meifeng's special task force. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7a/99/49/7a9949be3faf13f23a73b009bce6d7e4.jpg]Maria is a significantly taller Spanish woman at five-nine with dreadlocks tied into a neat bun.[/url] Maria was a cook in the army unlike Sonya's sniper... and she's the cool-headed one to her more excitable side. However, Maria is very sarcastic and plays off of the weirdness with a flat affect. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Adjoined - Ink-Demon.[/i] Maria has been adjoined with an ink Apparition and can, at will, shift her form into a mass of ink. She can more or less limitlessly shape her body in this state and with the power of color-changing; can imitate pretty much anything. She can also create massive amounts of ink and manipulate it elemental style. [/center][/hider] [hider=Trevor K. Obott][center] [i]"Secret aaaaaaaagent man!"[/i] [b][23 | Trevor Kevin Obott | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The other youngest member of the DENS team lead by Meifeng Liao. He's the jokester of the group and really enjoys getting a rise out of the rest of the team... however, his results don't lie and he synergizes well with the rest of the team. He's more or less the hacker or computer specialist of the team that usually doesn't go out on field missions... that has changed. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1f/12/6f/1f126f7a1213d4d60a900f62c446127d.jpg]He's visually distinct because he's extremely feminine with long hair, and no facial hair - standing at five-five.[/url]. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Awakened - Laughter-Inducement.[/i] Trevor's abstraction allows him to sense when somebody is about to attack and cause them to break out into uncontrollable laughter. This is strong enough to bypass the Emotional-Field and the stronger their desire/intent to attack, the harder they'll laugh. However, it doesn't work if they, y'know, are already attacking. [/center][/hider] [hider=Leon W. Vahan][center] [I]"I can see all."[/i] [b][28 | Leon Walter Vahan | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Maximilian's partner (in crime, friendship, and the DENS). He likens himself to a cowboy... he's usually calm, rarely yells, and always maintains the utmost professionalism. If he isn't currently screwing with somebody that is. [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/b76aa3913580fbb4c84b587e23bc1539/e918872a44e7b9aa-d6/s540x810/6f0e4566b54104b17b5821845c066ca42d20b554.jpg]Leon is the tallest member of the group at six-nine and is in pretty good shape.[/url] He usually seems out of it, with a cigarette, toothpick, or whatever long he can find in between his lips. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Adept - Cyan & Red.[/i] Leon's an adept that [i]usually[/i] uses a katana to cast but Meifeng and the rest of the team talked him out of it. Now Leon uses a collapsable Baton as his channeler. Leon is a sight-based Adept that allows him to create glowing red "eyes" in the environment around him that allow him to see stuff. Using various spells he can see into the minds of other people, the future, and other abstract concepts (like pain.) The red side of his Lux manifests in his ability to fire glowing red lasers out of his eyes that leave painful burns. [/center][/hider] [hider=Helena A. Page][center] [I]"Stay focused on the mission."[/i] [b][27 | Helena Amy Page | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Helena is the serious, no-nonsense member of the DENS team that usually finds herself at odds with the rest of the group. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5a/e0/8e/5ae08e5412f97dc8017a14957eff7905.jpg]She's a blonde-haired woman (who keeps her hair in a pixie cut) of relatively average height. Her build is slim, and well-built, and she has plenty of femininity.[/url] She's aloof, and rather callous, at best - downright hostile at worse. She usually keeps herself out of trouble and focuses on the job. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Affixed - The Flock[/i] Helena made a pact with an Apparition known as The Flock. It takes the appearance of thousands of birds that are a glowing blue color that she can command. They are a bitch to face in a straight fight and can do thousands of different tasks at the same time. She can also see through them. [/center][/hider] [h2][color=black][b]♦ THE GREENWOOD COVEN ♦[/b][/color][/h2][hr] [hider=Frederick R. Wheeler (Deceased)][center] [b][26 | Frederick Rick Wheeler | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A member of the Greenwood Vampire Coven and a certified redneck. He's been converted by the leader of the Coven known as "Pa" but he has his own agendas. Frederick is more or less the leader of the Greenwood Coven and he uses them for good things: Like buying drugs, getting drunk and acting a fool, and other shenanigans. So far Frederick has been the subject of at least nine different Florida Man articles.[url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/68/84/fc/6884fc8e5576de2bacdee163b7d44c1d.jpg] He's a pretty tall young man at six-five and is... not the best built.[/url] He's got a gut and what doesn't help is his nasty beard, but if he opens his mouth you'll see his fangs. Currently, he works for Blake Schmidt. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Afflicted - Vampire[/i] Frederick has abilities consistent with the rest of the Greenwood Coven: He's strong, fast, tough, can regenerate, and access a stronger bat form. [/center][/hider] [hider=James E. Evans (Deceased)][center] [b][23 | James Evan Evans | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0d/14/76/0d147631d55918226d49cbb39f7fb7b5.jpg]Probably the less disgusting of the three.[/url] James is usually a shirtless man that walks around in nothings but jeans or jorts, but he's pretty short at like five-four. He works out a lot so he's pretty in shape, but it's probably the drugs that keep him busy. He thinks himself as the brawn of the three but he's actually the wild card. Due to all the drugs he takes he does some real crazy shit and has been subject of more Florida Man articles than everyone combined. If he didn't take drugs he'd probably be the most competent of the three, but Florida does things to people. Works for Blake alongside Jordan and Frederick. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] James has abilities consistent with the rest of the Greenwood Coven: He's strong, fast, tough, can regenerate, and access a stronger bat form. [/center][/hider] [hider=Jordan T. Burke (Deceased)][center] [b][19 | Jordan Trevor Burke | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] [url=https://cdn1.thr.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/landscape_928x523/2013/04/shain_gandee.jpg]This crayon eater is Jordan Burke[/url]. The youngest and probably the stupidest of the three. He follows Frederick because he's lonely and lost all his money simping for strippers and Instagram thots. So he deals dope with the rest of the Greenwood Coven. Unlike the other two; he doesn't take drugs so [i]would[/i] have an excuse for being batshit crazy. But his brand of crazy is Florida-bred and while and he's the subject of twelve Florida Man articles (One for stealing all the cats out of an animal shelter). Works for Blake alongside Frederick and James. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Jordan has abilities consistent with the rest of the Greenwood Coven: He's strong, fast, tough, can regenerate, and access a stronger bat form. [/center][/hider] [h2][color=black][b]♦ The Forgiven ♦[/b][/color][/h2][hr] [hider=Luther D. Saul][center] [i]"Embrace enlightment."[/i] [b][42 | Luther Damon Saul | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The leader of the "Forgiven". A "new religion" that has swept the nation, yet it's mysterious. They claim that they "worship the true form of God" but many just call them a cult. A cult that's dangerously gaining power. Luther Saul himself (many just call him Saul) is a man that claims that he was defeated so thoroughly that he was on the brink of taking his own life. However, he discovered the joy in finding God's true form and he seeks to spread it. He's a bit strange, but he's charismatic and an excellent leader... and he may have a heavier hand in the supernatural than some would believe. [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/fe5e33a941039bf5dd589c8112652e18/9e3a48a627fe0750-43/s1280x1920/d788a88b7d968beace49001618aba6974c2b1ecb.jpg]Saul is a very short man at five-seven and always has his hair well-groomed and is always dressed nicely.[/url] Saul is recently a bit more paranoid and has fled from South Carolina to Florida... and a strange string of brutal murders following him. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] None to speak of, this man has accepted a different kind of power into himself. [/center][/hider] [hider=Dean K. Farrow][center] [b][32 | Dean Kevin Farrow | Make][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A prominent member of the Forgiven because he's Saul's right-hand man and poster boy. He and his now-wife Savannah used to homeless in the streets of San Franisco until Saul turned his life around. He went from a homeless combat veteran to a preacher who spreads the word of the Forgiven... and even knows their, many, many, secrets. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/28/55/e3/2855e3a64555ca0e1f2c897e405ddbde.jpg]Dean is a six foot tall man with relatively sharp facial features who has slicked-back black hair and usually wears a suit[/url]. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] None. [/center][/hider] [hider=Savannah A. Farrow][center] [b][30 | Savannah Amy Farrow | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Saul's right-hand woman as a prominent member of the Forgiven and Dean's husband. She used to be a drug addict on the streets of New York before Saul "saved" her and gave her a new life. That life lead her to her husband Dean and the two have been happily married for years now (though some rumor that it was an arranged marriage). [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/75/84/84/75848468a98d011c75f09686abc05a7d.jpg]She's five foot tall even and has a relatively slim build with oddly broad shoulders. The woman usually wears suits and other fancy things.[/url] Like Dean, she's seen some times. And like Dean, she knows some things that simply cannot get out. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] None. [/center][/hider] [hider=The Messiah/The Speaker][center] [b][Ancient | Is above such concepts | Genderless][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The Messiah is a strange behind that's the force behind the Forgiven, and the person that Saul answers. The Messiah answers to a strange higher power and only the highest-ranking members of the Forgiven know that they even exist. They're a short being at around four-five and speaks with a child-like voice... that seems to be a mixture of a male and female voice. The Messiah's features are hidden behind the oversized and ornate white robe that has golden symbols all over it. The Messiah has requested that anyone not in the Forgiven refer to them as... The Speaker. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Unknown, they were able to face off against Annabelle causing immense collateral damage. [/center][/hider] [h2][color=black][b]♦ Strange Beings ♦[/b][/color][/h2][hr] [hider=Annabelle C. Heart][center] [b][20 | Annabelle Candy Heart. | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The mysterious and dangerous figure that has been obsessively chasing Saul from South Carolina all the way to Tampa. Leaving behind a trail of destruction that has made her a target of several different people. It doesn't matter as Annabelle wants to kill Saul at any cost. Most of her features are hidden behind a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5d/22/e6/5d22e6a728f5094b14be45a3237b74a7.jpg]black robe with a deerskull mask.[/url] She's immensely tall at seven feet tall and smells [i]horrid[/i]. Underneath that black robe is something completely disconnected from humanity. She has sharp, needle-like, teeth with sunken eyes and strangely angular facial features. Her body is long, nearly-skeletal, as she doesn't have a hint of fat or muscle and should collapse in on herself after taking one step. Annabelle only has scraps of hair on her head and her hands and feet are freakishly long. There's a part of her that wants to stop, but the other part of her knows she can't. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [i]Afflicted - The Hunger.[/i] The Hunger is a curse that Annabelle accepted into herself from a Wendigo apparition. The Hunger is an obsessive compulsion to consume human flesh and by consuming humans Annabelle gets stronger. At this point, she has eaten nearly a thousand people and is one of the strongest beings in the universe. She has titanic strength, amazing speed, and most threateningly of all, she can regenerate from almost any form of damage in a few seconds. And she's only getting stronger. Annabelle, worst of all, is a conductor for the Hunger, and any Blind that get near her will become a flesh-eating monster as well. Annabelle has a second form that is [i]even stronger[/i] than her current form. [/center][/hider] [hider=Sophia Heart][center] [b][18 | Sophia | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A figure that always follows Annabelle where ever she goes. She claims that she's trying to help her end this violence but Annabelle hasn't been listening. It's questionable if Sophia is even real and not just Annabelle's conscious telling her to stop or something. Either way, she takes the appearance of a [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f2848d7e-4610-4cde-92d7-2fa349912410/d7g79dt-15cc3dc7-cb22-493f-a9cf-f4889f8d0e1e.jpg/v1/fill/w_1111,h_719,q_70,strp/b_d_f_s_a_a___2_by_arctic__revolution_d7g79dt-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD04MjkiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9mMjg0OGQ3ZS00NjEwLTRjZGUtOTJkNy0yZmEzNDk5MTI0MTBcL2Q3Zzc5ZHQtMTVjYzNkYzctY2IyMi00OTNmLWE5Y2YtZjQ4ODlmOGQwZTFlLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMjgwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.hxLthqLV1LRu0ZzbIQCII1PNEi18lX5QzkEbm-g8vPE]happy girl with a trademark smile, slim, and long brown hair.[/url] [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Unknown. [/center][/hider] [hider=The Hound][center] [b][Older than creation itself | The Hound | Uses male pronouns][/b] [b]Description:[/b] [url=http://cambridgeghosttours.com/_imgstore/8/4012406048/page_what-is-black-shuck_fP0IJPj2bhI200jIl3Z2l/A86igGYk22Hdzz0G-WwZlfv1xps.png]The Hound takes the appearance of a massive, wolf-like, being that is made out of a black smoke.[/url] He has bright, shining, red eyes, and is always accompanied by a black fog. It's hard to say what size he is because he's always constantly changing size. It's unknown what he is, or what he wants, but he seems to visit those in dreams, warning them that he's going to come after them if they don't come willingly. Naming himself an agent of death, he comes after those who he says "cheated death," and promises to set things right. He doesn't seem to exist outside dreams, but there are stories of those going into the woods and seeing a giant black wolf. A wolf that leads them to a dead body... or some interpret it as a portent of death. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] The Hound has many, many different abilities, it's main ability is the black fog of Apathy in which it can shape into any form and use as a form of telekinesis. The Hound has demonstrated regeneration, teleportation, and immense physical strength. [/center][/hider] [hider=The Outsider][center] [sup]I̷͙̋t̵̻̓ ̴̩̓ā̴̜p̴̗͗p̸͔͒ě̶̡a̴̢̽r̵̻̅ḛ̸̏d̶̥͐ ̶̲͐i̶̯͐n̸̯̈́ ̴̳͘t̶̯̒h̵̰͠e̵̝̓ ̴͉̊d̸̠͂ḙ̵͋ȃ̴̦d̴͇̃ ̷̦̄ô̶ͅf̵̣͋ ̵̮͘t̷͎̆ĥ̶͉e̵̜̎ ̷̗̑s̵̗̿i̷̲͂l̸̜̃e̴͙͘n̴̖͑t̸͙͒ ̴̣͊n̴̦̆ĩ̴̦g̶͈͋h̵̐͜t̴̹̀,̷̛̰ ̶̛͈o̴̯̅u̵̯͋t̷̬̋s̵͍̿i̵̗̍d̷̲̕è̷̬ ̶̯̿t̶̻̉ḩ̴̂ẹ̶̐ ̵̮̄r̴̼̄e̴̼͐ā̶̹č̶͖h̸̥͆ ̴̆͜o̸̊ͅf̸͈̏ ̴̙̎â̸̺l̴̦̓l̷̹͗ ̸̤͗k̴̨̾n̷̝͛ö̶̥w̷̠̿n̷̳͋ ̸̢̈m̶̩̌à̷̘n̵̠͊.̸̯̅ ̷̢̈́I̷̛̞t̴͓͊ ̴̩̓s̶̯̑p̸̺̔o̵̯͆k̵̩͝e̷̯̍ ̷͚͋a̵̼̾ ̵̟̓l̷͂ͅá̸̮n̴̺̋g̷̞̾ų̵̌a̸͎͂g̵̡̑ẽ̵̤ ̷͕̍n̶̨͘o̶͈̊ ̸̼͒m̷̭̿ä̸͙́n̵̰͌ ̷̟̂c̴̜̊o̵̻͌u̶̜͊l̵̲͝d̶͓͑ ̷͙̈́u̴̧͒n̴͓̓d̸̩̄e̴̹͝r̸̪͑s̸̨͘t̵͍͊a̷͈̓n̴͓̉d̷̮̋.̸͖͒ ̴̹̆I̵̛̘ṭ̶͗'̴̠̄s̸̙̔ ̴̰͆m̴͇̈́ä̸̞́w̷̢͝ ̸̡̾ẉ̶̛i̴͍̋d̸͖͝e̵͕̓ ̶̺̒ë̸̮́n̵̖̉o̸̒ͅu̵̞̐g̴̬̽h̴͙̀ ̶͝ͅt̶͈́ó̷̗ ̵̻̾s̵̺͝w̸͜͝a̷͐ͅl̴̮͛l̸̛̲o̶̭͠w̷͉̿ ̴̗̃ŵ̴̳o̶̪͝r̷̼̈l̵̡̈́d̴͇̉s̶̯̀ ̴̬̔w̴͔̍h̶̢̄o̵͇͆l̵̯̈́e̶̯̾.̵̼̿ ̸͈͝A̴̋ͅn̷̘̄d̶̊ͅ ̸͔̽w̴͇̾h̵͕̿e̷̠͝n̴͓͑ ̴̻͠i̷͉͑t̸̖̾ ̶̨̑a̸̦̒t̶̞͝ḛ̸̾ ̷̜̉w̴͓̕o̷̱͑r̶͚͒l̷͍̂d̸̻̐s̶͚̅,̵̫͑ ̷͓͆i̶̘̕t̸̼̚ ̵̼̊g̶͉̐o̸̖͠t̵̰̑ ̷̼̈́a̷̜̅ ̶͍͠t̵̟͗ḁ̸́s̴̮͐t̸̻͋e̶͇̔ ̸̥̽t̷̨̾h̷̩̓a̵̦͆ẗ̴͖ ̴̗̓c̵̯͘o̶̮̿ů̸̪l̸̦̓d̴̛̼ ̶̗͊n̵͍͋ỏ̸͍t̸̔͜ ̷̿͜b̶͓̄e̸̠͌ ̴̥͒s̵̫̎ḁ̴̎t̵̖̃e̸͓͠d̵͊͜.̵͕́ ̴̬̐S̷̥̅o̷̢͋ ̷̹̚i̶̩͝t̴̯̅ ̴̛̖k̶̩͗ȩ̴̓p̷̟̉t̵̜͋,̶̟̀ ̶̨͌e̶̫̓a̵͒ͅț̸̂i̴͎̚n̴̯͛ĝ̷̼,̸̡̂ ̴͋͜a̶̰̔ǹ̴̬d̴̟̆ ̵͉́ē̷̩a̵͉̚t̶͍̕ì̴̲ň̵͉g̴͙͠,̷̘̋ ̵̖̃ā̵͙n̷͈̈d̶̰͋ ̶̹̂è̶̺a̸̟͆ţ̴͌i̵͖̿n̷̩͘g̷̜̈́ ̵̻̋ṷ̶̋n̵͉̈t̷̟͝i̷̼̋l̵̨̃ ̶̫̔t̸̽͜h̴̟̅ë̶͓́r̸̻͋e̸̩̕ ̴̢̄w̵̼̽ȧ̵̫ṣ̶̊ ̴̘̓n̵͖̕ǒ̸̱t̸̜̉h̴̗͋ḯ̷̭ñ̶̦g̴̤̓ ̸͓͘l̸̑ͅè̷̥f̵̭͛ṯ̸̛.̷̧̽ ̵͖͊N̴̘͊ö̴͇́ṯ̴͂ ̸̩̍é̷ͅv̵̩̓e̴̠͠n̸̡̒ ̷̱͛ạ̶̊ ̷̃͜s̴̪͐ỏ̷̯u̷͕̓l̶͕̎ ̸̡̉t̴͍͘ò̷͔ ̷̧͗r̵̖͊ẹ̸̽m̸͚̔e̴̜̅m̷͔̂b̵̝͋ë̴̮ȑ̸̠ ̸̧̇ş̴̾é̴̻ê̸͕i̶̺̊n̷͎͂g̶̺͒ ̸̬̍ĭ̴̙t̴͓͠.̷̞̎ ̴̘̀I̷͈̓ṋ̶͗s̷̯̎i̷̟͐d̶̟͒e̵̓͜ ̸͔̉i̸̤̊t̶͎́s̵̠̕ ̷̭́g̷̿ͅu̸̗͆t̸̡͛,̶̺͗ ̵̲̄o̵̬̔u̸͇̕ŕ̶̡ ̴̯̃e̸̱͋ŷ̶̟ẹ̵͋s̶͎̒ ̵̹̂ẁ̶̝ẹ̶́r̸̬̋e̸͔͝ ̸̰͠o̵͓͌p̵̨̽ḛ̴͂n̶̤͘ȅ̸̡d̷̝̂.̷͖̽ ̷̜̇Ỏ̸͍p̴͚͋e̶͔͝n̶͚͒e̷͔̕d̵̥̈́ ̴̬̎l̷̳͝ȋ̵͈ḱ̵͍ę̸̀ ̷̞̏ņ̶̊e̸͕͝v̶͎͝e̴̗͊r̶̟͘ ̸͕͊b̶̢̏e̵̖̋f̷̙́o̸̞̕r̵͇͋ë̷̪́ ̵̨͊ạ̵̚n̷͇͘d̸̻͗ ̸̨͛ẁ̵̠ẹ̴̽ ̵̻̐w̴̨̍e̸̜͂ȓ̵͙ḙ̶͂ ̶̰̐e̴͙̿n̷̤͋l̶͕͒ï̵͜g̴̓ͅh̴̗͝t̸͉͌e̶͎̔n̷̯̂e̸͈̓d̵͔̄ ̸̥̒t̸̟͝o̷͓͗ ̶͎̒t̸̄͜h̴͖̿ĕ̷̫ ̴͝ͅf̶̫͝á̶̫c̷̰̔t̷̋ͅ ̴̭͗ṫ̸̼ḣ̶ͅa̴̟͒t̶̤̍ ̷̬̒ẉ̶͆e̴̝̚ ̷̦̓a̷͍̕r̶̮͠ē̷̻ ̴̝̊b̸͇͑û̸̖ĝ̴̲s̶̢̾ ̵͈̂ȉ̴͙n̸̼̂ ̴̙̽t̸͖̕h̸̭̋e̸̢͠ ̶̖͌g̴̺̏r̴̖̄ë̸̦́ǎ̴̱t̶̥̿ē̵̻r̵̡̚ ̵̏ͅủ̵̖ň̸͔i̴̫̾v̴̖͛e̷̪̍r̷̝̃s̴̮͑e̷͔̓.̴̦̇ ̵̈́͜T̷̲͐h̶̢̃ě̶̝r̸̮̄ë̸̯ ̵͔͂ĭ̵͕s̴̪̀ ̷̘́n̵̜̽o̶̥̎ ̵̟̉G̷̺̓o̷̯͗d̵͇̚ ̴̠͗i̷͙͐n̴͇̈ ̵̦͆t̶̖̚h̴̘͝e̴̥̒ ̶̻̀s̶͉͗k̵̨̔y̸̛̫,̵̰̄ ̴͕͂n̶̮͘ŏ̷͈ ̴̠̇d̷̠̏e̸͎͐v̸̯̈́ḯ̶̥l̴̳̐ ̵̫͌ȉ̶̺ṋ̵͒ ̴͕͌t̸̞̔h̵̩̽é̷̼ ̶̨̈E̴͚̔a̷̫͋r̷̛͜t̶̩͊h̷̡̏.̸̳̒.̷̺́.̶̈́ͅ ̷̯̚ỏ̵̺u̵̺̍t̶̨̔s̸̜͂ḭ̷͝d̸̳͌e̴̜̅ ̵̺͐i̸͓͘n̵͇̚ ̴̞̓t̸̛̰ẖ̸͘e̴̅͜ ̴̮́d̴̖̂a̵̚ͅr̴͍͛k̸͖̓n̷̝̄e̸̙͘s̷̿͜s̵̻̄ ̷̰͑ö̶̗f̵̢́ ̶̡͂o̶̯̽ư̴̪r̷͍̒ ̵̘̚m̴͕̾i̶̔ͅṇ̸͝ḍ̶̀s̸̟͗,̸̹͘ ̵̙̀t̸̳͝h̷̞͠e̸̯̓r̴͎̓e̸̛̤ ̶̬̒ă̸̱r̷͉͘ě̶̞ ̸͎́t̴̪̀h̷̬͗į̶͒ṉ̷̾g̶͙̉s̴̞̊ ̵̗̾m̶̝͘u̶͈̍c̷̳̏h̵̖͆ ̴̞̓ẅ̶̼́o̷̗͛r̷̘̀s̴̼̆e̵̋͜.̴͋ͅ ̶̘̀T̷͇̄h̴̤̿e̷͑͜ý̷̲ ̸̛̦ã̷̗r̷̛͉ē̶̜ ̵̱͒u̶͕̽n̸͕͒c̵͑ͅá̶̢r̸̭̋i̷̥̔n̶̯͛g̶͖͐ ̶̡͝a̶͎̍b̸̹̾o̴̹̽ȗ̵͕ṱ̶̈́ ̸̪͛u̸͇̐s̴̜̋.̴͒ͅ ̷̳̾Á̷̱f̶͓͗t̴̼͗ë̵̖́r̴̼̄ ̸̬̉w̶̰͠e̴͕̋ ̴̘͗w̶̌͜ę̶͠r̷̩̿ȩ̴͘ ̵̃͜f̴̪̔ṟ̷̍e̶̲̎e̷͓͆d̷͖̄ ̸͎̂f̷̙̋r̷̥͋ō̸͉m̷͈̓ ̴̓͜ị̵͘t̵̫̏ș̸͊ ̶̠̌G̸͈͗ű̸̟t̴̲͐,̴̳̂ ̷̥͂I̶͓̚ ̶̦͝k̸̥̽n̵̠̈́e̵̞̿w̵̮͐ ̴̗͘ẹ̶̛x̴̟̽a̵͎͑c̶̺̿t̷͕͂l̸̬̄y̷͎͛ ̷̭̔w̸̦͗h̶̞͂ã̴̮t̵͍̿ ̴̯̌w̷̭̐e̴̩͗ ̵̯͋ȃ̶̰r̷͓̐e̵͚̕.̴̤͝ ̷̙̒W̵̝̌ẻ̵̞ ̶̬͛a̷̪͋r̸̦̒e̵̛̹ ̸͇̈c̷̞̈a̴̬͋t̶͚̍t̷̤̑l̶̯͂e̸͓͊ ̷̖̆t̶̖͠ǒ̸̰ ̴̣͗b̸̞̏ë̸̹ ̸̰̔h̷̜͊ă̴̮r̶̘̒v̴̺͂ȩ̵͒s̶̺̚t̶͙̂e̵̝͋ḍ̵̓,̷̺̃ ̵̟̂t̵̹̐o̵̝̓ ̵̠͆b̶̞̂e̵̦̐ ̶̯̈ṡ̶͚ě̵̘r̷͓͠v̵͎́ê̴̺d̷̢͋ ̵̗͐ţ̶́o̸̝͒ ̷̫͊t̴͚̊ḩ̶͑ȯ̸͍s̶̼̃ĕ̵̝ ̷̚͜ǵ̵͇r̶͖̊ḙ̷͛ä̵̼́ẗ̴͈́ ̸̮̈́b̶̬̓ę̷̃ĭ̵̺ñ̵̞g̴̳̈́s̸̯͌ ̷̮̓o̸̢͌ǹ̸̘ ̸̭͝a̴̜̓ ̶͉̇ŝ̸̳i̶̺̐l̷̹͂v̸̧͆e̵̩̽r̸͍̒ ̵̮̏p̸̛̼l̶̲͘a̷̼͠t̷̠͐ẗ̴̯e̷̞̚r̵̬͛.̸̰̒ ̴͇̅S̷̰̚ọ̶̀,̸͓̈ ̴̱̐Ȋ̷̫ ̸͚͌k̶̑ͅñ̶̮ō̴̺w̵͚̍ ̴̙͐w̴͉̕h̴̅ͅă̷̰t̵͓̀ ̴̩̔I̷̽ͅ ̵̩̈́a̸̳͂m̶͔̉.̵̣̓ ̷̖͊A̵̼͊r̴̡͝e̵͇͑ ̴̻̿y̷̡͐ö̵̳́u̴̱͘ ̵͎͒s̶̺͝ǘ̵̻r̶͕̋ẹ̵̊ ̷̮̃ŷ̷̧o̸̠̽u̶̯̇ ̴̢̒ą̷̋r̷̖͂ë̵͎?̵̝͠ F̸̖̈́e̸͚̿a̴̻͘ȑ̴͓ ̶̯͊t̵̢͘h̴̤̃e̵̥̾ ̵̜͠ó̵̥ṵ̸̇t̸̯͂s̷͇̎ì̷͎d̴̙̒ē̸̯r̶̫͒.̴͕̄[/sup] [b][Ancient | Has no name | Female or female presenting][/b] [b]Description:[/b] The Outsider is an absolutely ancient Apparition (or something, nobody knows) that crawled out of one of the many alternate universes out there and is the scourge of all that know about it. Everyone is afraid to talk about it to the point where many instinctively try to avoid thinking about it in fear of attracting her attention. [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ecde2c7e-7f31-4d73-9a52-9b2b5c5cca7d/d8pswmp-fe415931-822c-40f2-8a28-6426963705a5.jpg/v1/fill/w_846,h_944,q_70,strp/pretty_by_mezamero_d8pswmp-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMDA0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZWNkZTJjN2UtN2YzMS00ZDczLTlhNTItOWIyYjVjNWNjYTdkXC9kOHBzd21wLWZlNDE1OTMxLTgyMmMtNDBmMi04YTI4LTY0MjY5NjM3MDVhNS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.9QZ61n0AqqOcy16_p7PegUg5ih0_xe7RSn0u5I_fdpQ]The Outsider takes the appearance of a relatively short woman with blue skin that reveals an orange fire underneath it.[/url] Many are horrified by its mere existence as the Outsider singlehandedly wiped out entire universes. Fortunately, somebody sealed it inside of something and tossed it in a swamp and only an absolute [i]idiot[/i] (or someone unaware of its true nature) would let it out. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] Currently unknown. [/center][/hider] [/indent][/hider]