Hall of Emperor's Grand Foyer [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSb1mCPoJ7UtOt8dk3N-9SClhOz1koPTYGdFlMazLZ6zScf3WJ1oA[/img] "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the Queen of Altheria, Iridonia Starlight." An announcer in the Grand Foyer of the Hall of Elders declared as the Altherian Queen and her daughter entered the chamber alongside the Emperor's Right Hand and General Kassandra Pierce, who had escorted them in. "And High Priestess and Princess of Altheria, Aeria-Sarisa Starlight-Suncrest also known as the Galactic Siren." A mouthful for anyone, but Altherians were known for their long and complex names. The two ladies entered majestically, seeming to glide across the floor rather than walk. Both adorned in royal white robes. Her mother wore [url=http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/c/c8/Cosmosfullart.png]a golden lined dress[/url] and an extravagant headdress and veil to signify her higher royal status, whereas the Princess wore [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4c/2e/12/4c2e12479ba6d8672eeadd09daef3fb2.jpg]a silver lined dress[/url] and a simple silver band around her forehead. The mother only looked ten years older than her daughter. But in actual fact she was actually over one hundred years old! "Next I present the leader of the third ruled world of the Alpharium Empire...-" As the announcer continued to bring in world leaders and government officials, Aeri noted that as she passed by there were whispers. She had better hearing than humans as her ears were slightly longer and pointed. They murmoured that she had the most beautiful voice in the galaxy and most admired her songs. But some, looked upon Altherians with disdain. Some were racist toward them, due to rumours that Altherians could get inside your head, influence you. True, they were telepathic but only to one another. For a non Altherian to make a telepathic link to an Altherian, it would be a very special bond indeed. Iridonia and Draderum had such a bond. Iri glided the floor and a sorrowful expression turned warm upon seeing the faces of the older officials that once served Draderum, they recognised her with awe, she had not aged a day since they saw her last when she almost married Draderum instead of Nero's mother. She took their hand in hers in a warm greeting. As her mother circulated those she once knew and introduced her lovely daughter, who was her spitting image apart from the purple coloured eyes, Iri had blue. Aeri took her father's eyes. Aeria-Sarisa bowed respectfully in her long gown and lowered her head, allowing the dangle drop teared jewels of her headdress to clink. She gently lifted her head up and stood straight as they regarded her sheer beauty and presence. Altherians had a tranquil and calming aura about them and some called the women seductresses for this fact. But all Altherians could do it, even the males. Aeri left her mother to talk with her old acquaintances whilst she wandered off to admire the architecture of this grand hall. She had never been here before, she knew little of Alpharium culture. She looked upon the grand statue of Draderum with awe. Her bright eyes twinkling as they stared up at it with wonderment. She was truly a sight to behold. She even managed to make the women stop what they were doing and stare at her. Kassandra narrowed her eyes as she felt envious of the Altherian. Kass had short black spiked hair kept primp and proper, adorned the official uniform of the Alpharium Empire and wore a single eyepatch over her left eye where a scar peaked out from underneath.