IC post done - Time to exposit on some lovely updates: - Wisemon is addressing everyone. Everyone is free to respond however they choose. - The Digivice for this RP use the sacred Grimoires of the Olympos XII as a foundation (the pure data is converted by the bonds of a human and Digimon) So be sure to pick one of those up. You can do so by resolving peacefully/Fighting and winning with/against Wisemon and receiving. OR you can just steal and ditch. The Latter is obviously much easier then attempting to calm down the enraged digimon with the power you currently possess. (Of course if you worked as a group you could overpower even an ultimate digimon. Especially if you steal A Grimoire to use it to digivolve first then beat Wisemon) - Yes there are only 6, and there are 7 of you. [@Raineh Daze] has already said that she is fine with forgoing a digivice this early on as a result of the Sistermon featuring Slide Modes. The Grimoire you recieve has no bearing on how you digivolve. As it is merely just a massive receptacle of data to use. (Its filled with stories of the gods exploits). A digimon could also bypass the need for a digivice entirely by just training really hard and in-taking/efficiently using Data. So it is possible to permanently maintain a champion state (Ala Gatomon) should you choose but it is a lot more work. - The red text is where the text to speech is inhuman. [hr] IF anyone has any further questions ask away! I will be adding the Location details of the Library to the first post, and adding Wisemon to the NPC tab in the CS section.