[img]https://th.bing.com/th?id=OIP.dlO87kPA1NZFQMIEZZ3j2wHaEK&pid=Api[/img]I Welcome to death weapon and mister academy! This is a school for students who have developed the ability to change their body into a weapon and those who can use weapons. When entering the school first years are taught the basics on how to use and control a weapon. Soul wave lengths are when your soul connects with your partner's soul along you to feel and understand their emotions and work together properly. Elite students are students who can take on certain witches and obtain their soul. Partners can be up to two weapons for one person, and though rare you can have two miesters for one weapon. When applying please put in what your weapon looks like if your a weapon. And you will be assigned a form room number which means you may have roommates at random and genders are separated if your trans or genderfluid which ever gender you identify yourself with you will be put in that dorm. Each dorm house has a fortune teller and house lord. Everyone is paired an allowance once every week so use your money properly for food, clothes, etc. If you use your money up then you may apply for jobs in the city. Also if you get jipped out of your money then you either fight or get a job.