[quote=@goodmode] [s][url=https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/879/961/572.gif]bad and naughty children get put in the [color=ed1c24]WISEMON MACERATOR[/color] to atone for their crimes[/url][/s] Do we keep to a turn order? Also, [@PsyBlade] - if you're looking for CR I had this mental image of Kuroko coming up with some airsoft-based training exercise for the Digimon (and Sunny would be all over that like ketchup) though that'd have to be, I guess, after they're not all in mortal danger haha. They also both share that grey zone of being friendly but not actually getting very close to folks, so maybe there's something in that... Just some food for thought! (If anyone else wants to juggle CR ideas as well, lemme know!) [/quote] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAn7baRbhx4]Wisemon is prone to just show up places[/url] Anyway! Turn order wise I think the only order I've got so far is everyone posts at least once before the next GM post, but you can post more if you want to. So in that regard its less a "Turn order between players" and more a Everyone needs to post before the GM does.