At the sound of the orc speaking up specifically to her, the wild elf now paid him attention. Before she was in her own place, her own thoughts on the matter, only having discerned something about there being more of the rats, which she already assumed to be handedly true. She needed no real convincing internally that this was a futile effort, although now she gave it no more mind until she thought upon the man's question, the words [i]"... any idea why these things might be so focused on this plot of land?"[/i] "Food." Tracan said, her voice unemotional and plain as the day above them, "This entire farm has shelter and most of all, food. They probably came to scavenge the bodies when the raid was over but stayed to feed on the crop." It was the best guess she had had to go off of but she preferred to frame it as fact. The next bit she had to say, brief as the first, was less certain and just as questioning, "I imagine we'll find more inside and the barn then." Her stare became more intense as she pointed her daggered eyes toward de Brey again before she slung her bow across her chest. Adjusting the string, she drew the steely dagger from her side, the only thing sharper than the scrutinizing she gave the man earlier. She still wasn't pleased about killing the rats but the beasts were making a lingering point. [@BangoSkank]