[center] [hr] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/imkS7ul.jpg[/img] [h3]S a n d o E v e n i n g[/h3] [hr] [hr] Hawke sighed as he tended to the boga and shook his head. This wasn't the mission to be sending new recruits on. At that thought though, another thought came to him. What was the proper mission to send recruits on? The deserts weren't a forgiving place. They never had been and likely never would be. Every time you left the safety of the city, you put your hands in fate and fate was not usually kind. Hawke rubbed his eyes. Hawke had been nearly a boy when they'd sent him on his first mission. Clear a tribe of gleekon that were causing trouble with trade routes between Murkwell and Acton. What was supposed to be a simple mission had turned into a bloody battle. 15 Runners went, 5 came back. Hawke was 1 of those 5. [color=blue]"Evening"[/color] said a voice. Hawke turned and raised an eyebrow as he saw Asante approach. Asante was one of the younger members of the Runner's Guild but also one of the newest as well. Asante was a fine navigator and quite quick to learn but he had much that still needed to be learned. His riding skills were quite good as well. Hawke had spent time with the lad and taught him what he knew. He was picking up swordplay with some effort but given time he'd be quite the swordsmen. Given time with Torvin, he'd perhaps become quite a marksman as well [b]"Asante. I take it by your eagerness that you have heard that you are to accompany us on the trip to the dig site?"[/b] he said with a gruff tone. Hawke began to put his reservations about whether or not others were prepared for what was to come aside and began thinking as a leader. 2 teams with the same goal, escort the schooner to it's destination and protect the occupants of said schooner. It occurred to Hawke that it was perhaps in their best interest to put those who lacked the skills to ride (or simply had skills that'd better suit other tasks) on the schooner with the traders and offer their aid as best as they could. Asante was a fine enough rider. He'd trust him to keep up with the schooner and to do his job. Hawke's eyes scanned his surroundings as he saw Iyana in the peripheral and a pair of figures coming. One was a human woman from what he could tell. The other was a large insectoid creature. A zitan. Hawke raised his eyebrow as the white zitan began to sign and recognized it. He wasn't an expert but he was able to pick up the gist of what the insectoid was trying to say. He was asking if they were the ones going to Ruk. The woman asked almost the exact same question and nodded. [b]"Yes. We are the Runner's heading to Ruk. I'm veteran Runner Elrin Hawke. You can call me Hawke. Am I to assume you will both be accompanying us to the dig site?"[/b] he asked with a raised eyebrow, regarding the woman and the zitan who had addressed themself as Skahn. He seemed a bit uncomfortable around the boga. Schooner for him, definitely the schooner. The woman....he had no way of knowing WHAT her riding ability was. He didn't even know her name yet. [hr] [sup]H e a l t h : ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 100% E f f e c t s : None W i t h : Karissa, Asante, Iyana, Skahn N o t e s : None M e n t i o n s : [@stone] [@Araby264] [@6slyboy6] [@Yankee][/sup][/center]