[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190711/d85b94130afb7c4900935f5ab212fa77.png [/img] [/center] [right][hr][color=white][b][b]Smith's Rest | HQ Tram Station[/b][/b][/color] January 16th, 2677[hr][/right] [indent] The younger guy was from Saxony. He’d heard of that before. Was it from his books of old poetry? Something about a Holy Empire and lots of knights. It wasn’t as engaging as his arthurian tales, but he’d never been one to shy away from any surviving holo-novels of the old world. He remembered one character from the poems, a young knight named Roland. He eyed Demetrius up, wondering if that would be a good nickname. [color=cdaf95]"What brought you up to the frozen ass end of nowhere?"[/color] [i]Damnit.[/i] These kinds of questions were always the worst. It was always the needling, trying to uncover more about you, trying to sense up who you were or what weaknesses you held. [color=gray]”Just looking for good work. My mech requires a lot of fine-tuning, some long stretch of regular work with a dedicated mechanic staff will do wonders compared to the kinds of rigging I usually have to do when I travel.” [/color] A half-truth was easier to explain than a simple lie. It was true that the Wolf constantly needed TLC, and he’d always been one to perform such tasks. He’d had the frame since living Dead Springs, and if he had his choice, he’d die inside of it as well. Graham began to drone on and on about tests and doctors, and Alan fought the urge to complain about having to undergo tests when he’d called [i]them.[/i] More hoops to jump through, but he was planning on jumping through every kind of hoop possible. He had too much to do up here. And here came the shoulder check. [i]Goddamnit Ryn.[/i] He let the girl’s aggression go unchecked. There was no reason to get violent with a kid. Especially one he’d patched up more times than any. Since the moment he’d seen her again, his heart had started racing, and his stomach and been tied up in knots. Of all the places for her to show up… He didn’t find her company disagreeable. It was the opposite. He felt [i]comfortable[/i] around the girl, and that was reason enough to stay away. The moment you start getting chummy, talk about teaming up or staying together for the long haul-when you let them in, that’s when you leave the biggest weak spot open for anyone to take advantage of. [/indent]