The response to the Daedric Titan above demonstrated the specialised nature of the formations coming through the portal. A few callouts by the sergeants were unintelligible for all who did not have the reflex training to lock shields, raise wards, and keep together. The coldfire washed over their defences, though some broke down under its sheer power. Those clear enough from the sweeping flames started launching arrows and spells as ordered. Fendros defaulted to his well-practiced ward. He, too, moved to cover as much of the pack as he could, but his work was not quite enough. Janius, Kaleeth, and Lorag's forms were difficult to cover at the best of times. Against the titan's breath, they could probably survive, though they would not be unaffected. It was Sabine who stepped up and projected a ward large enough to cover them all -- impossibly large, some would say, but the power in the Staff of Magnus was immediately familiar in her hands, and she made full use of it. Off to one side, a recognisably incensed voice shouted out some cursing taunt before gathering a noticeable amount of power. Teroiah, shortly after coming through the portal, took matters into her own hands against the great beast above their command centre. A whirling spiral of ward-like ethereal chains cast out in a drilling pattern from her towards the titan, seemingly deflecting the fire off her in a cone of safety. Then, through the middle of the spiral, a more brutish form of magic charged and released a line of crackling lightning directly towards the titan's chest in retaliation. The display lit up the entire plateau in bright white.