[center][h1][color=yellow]Kristin Reynolds[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e6/d6/6e/e6d66e8004493a208ff67031dcba235d.gif[/img] [I]Location: Cyclopes Junkyard/Pasture, Outside of Richmond Virginia Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Kristin followed Leda down the flight of stairs and into the kitchen, she watched her easily kill the female cyclopes without much of an issue at all. [color=yellow]"One less monster we have to deal with."[/color] She said relived that they wouldn't have to deal with them anymore, she made her way over towards the pot that it was cooking and lifted it up. Kristin winced slightly smelling how awful the food was that was inside of it, it looked really nasty as well. [color=yellow]"Who would eat this?"[/color] Kristin asked as she pulled out the ladle that was in it, seeing some nasty foul brown goop dripping out of it. [color=yellow]"We should have Zeke try it."[/color] She said jokingly. Kristin then heard the car beeping and nodded towards Leda. [color=yellow]"Yeah we managed to find a truck, you do have your license right?"[/color] Kristin asked Leda, she didn't she wasn't old enough yet to get one herself either. Though she could easily get one when she turns sixteen and she could drive herself.