[quote=@Thanqol]"You've been staring at that box for twenty minutes," said Bode. After exactly the wrong length of pause, one that suggests that he's done talking he adds, "I like that we have the same hobby." He gave you a clay plate yesterday, shaped like a duck. It was not the first. You have the ominous feeling he's going to replace all of your kitchenware. [/quote] (The plate holds a place of honor in the cabinet, and he's already looking for a good contractor to build a larger kitchen for them.) Victor stares at the box still, before sighing. "There's... there's a question I've been meaning to ask you. For a while now, I mean. Basically since you saved my life. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but it feels important. "Bode... Bound Eagle... Was that Prometheus's idea, his name for you? Is that how he viewed you? The limiter, the torturer, set to torment him?"