Teroiah’s strike was a palpable hit against the massive Daedra. The lightning struck at the base of its neck and seemed to send a shock straight through the center of it’s body. It ceased its plume of cold-fire and let out a roar as it tilted its wings to turn off to the side, only barely managing to avoid crashing into the ground. It was a heavy, damaging hit, but Daedric titans lived up to their names. They were notoriously difficult to kill, and it would take [i]many[/i] more heavy hits to finally fell the beast. There were some wards that collapsed from the assault of cold-flames, but due to the experience of the mages present, many were able to hold up against the wide-area attack. Sabine’s ward did not seem to falter at all, and at least some of the magic from the attack could be absorbed back into the Staff. The titan might not have been able to eradicate their well-trained formations of soldiers, but the same protection had not been afforded to the barricades and siege weapons they had been setting up. Although the titan’s magic chilled instead of burned, the cold-flames still spread like fire over their fortifications. The freezing flames caused anything they consumed to crack and crumble, or otherwise become terribly brittle. While the titan was gaining altitude for another pass, the swarm of winged twilights descended upon the plateau as well. They preferred lightning magic, or simply eviscerating their targets with their sharp, hooked tails. There were probably two dozen of them swarming above them, making themselves difficult to hit. They cast lightning bolts onto soldiers and structures alike, sparking several, more conventional fires in addition to the cold-flames spreading around. Ahnasha drew her bow, but before trying her hand at landing shots against such fast-moving targets, she put her focus into a spell to call forth some extra assistance for her. A dark portal opened up before her, from which appeared a vaguely humanoid being of lightning, wind, and rock. Winged twilights were more resistant to magic than many Daedra, but lightning would certainly still harm them, and a storm atronach was the most likely to be able to hit them while they were flying around. The winged twilights were certainly a threat that could not be ignored, but the titan itself threatened to end this invasion before it began. They had to be able to establish their foothold to give themselves enough time to get enough forces through to keep themselves from being overwhelmed. Meesei took in a deep breath, then started to draw up from her vast well of magicka and focus it into her hands. Meesei had become known for her rediscovery of lost or esoteric forms of magic, so some might have forgotten her original mastery of the simple and destructive force that is lightning. It surged through her, arcing out into the air and onto the ground around her, to the point that it would be dangerous even to approach her. When she poured all of her strength and focus into a single spell, the amount of power a mage like Meesei could achieve was incredible, but the mere act of charging the spell was a signal to her pack. If she was putting all of her effort into an attack, then she could not defend herself.