Najila swore under her breath at the sound of the voice. It was not their foolhardy barbarian friend. It was the people who worked here! He had fallen... She let Celeste hide herself in the corner, and kept an eye on the door while Orchid and Aron continued donning their armor. She had her amulet raised in case she needed to fire off spells. She had Pythagoras fly up to the ceiling once more so that he may help in battle if need be. She too moved to find cover and ensure that she could fire off spells safely. She answered Aron, "I'm ready when you two are. Just let me know and I'll fire away," [hider=OOC]Readying an Eldritch Blast to the first person who enters the room. Probably not gonna hit...^^" To hit: [url=]10[/url] Damage: [url=]10[/url][/hider]