[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjE1OC44N2M5YjcuU205b1lXNXVZU0JJdzdac2VtVnMuMAAA/seconds.regular.png[/img] [/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmY0YjAyYS5VM1Z5Wm1GalpTQnZaaUJXWlc1MWN3LCwuMAAA/happy-times-at-the-ikob.italic.png[/img][/center] [hr] Johanna let out a low whistle as the floodlights bathed the pirate captain's vessel in brightness, the brilliant red surface seeming to filling the entire hanger. So this was the [i]Islandwana[/i] then, the one she heard all the stories about. It was an engineering marvel from what she understood, one that exploited the massive power bank of the Portio to create a vessel that could terrorize shipping lanes and hapless pirate hunters alike. LAGOS was chirping away like mad as he initiated primary scans of the ship to see what made it cook while Johanna merely pondered it, pouring over every small detail from the modified repair arms (she WOULD make a ship that could punch other ships, Jo remarked to herself with some amusement) to the catapults along the sides of the vessel. Say what you will, the cap'n knew a nice ship when she saw one. "Well on top of watching after you, I left him in charge of refitting my ship for my eventual return," Cathrida said to her pet friend. "He was taking trips down here every now and then to work on it in secret. And in his defense he got just about everything done before he got himself killed...Everything besides finishing the engines." Johanna could tell why. Ten fusion engines weren't exactly a cakewalk to get functioning in tandem. Oh sure the ship could power it on just fine, it was the bit connecting the engines to the battery that was the million dollar question. She had a similar issue on BUN-e with the LeapFrog apparatus, though this beast had a substantially higher risk. Fusion engines tended to get a little...finicky when you didn't hook them up proper. “Well that’s not a problem, we can take all the time in the world finish them, right Captain?” the other pilot interjected. “That’s exactly the problem," Cathrida said. "We don't have all the time in the world." "No, but you have the next best thing," Johanna piped in, tugging the sleeves of her bomber jacket up. "You have me!"