Niccia turned her attention to Mindy with a gentle smile. "Its' sort of a family get together for all of the legendaries." She started, stepping away from the group talking about Gavin as she stepped slightly closer to Mindy, a friendly smile on her face. "Well, almost all. Of course Darkrai [i]was[/i] originally allowed before... everything went down." She continued, thinking about her words quietly, trying to figure out exactly what to say. "If Gavin ends up taking you, I think you'll love it! I think everyone will end up being there," She hesitated and looked towards Dausiin as he started to float around them. He gave a shrug as he floated around. Frosiien looked towards Gavin with a bit of a grin before she looked towards Andy. "Well." She started with a bit of a coy smile, glancing back as she noticed Mitch and Merlin getting closer. "If Gavin wishes to invite Mindy, I would be more than happy to have you as my [i]date~[/i]" Frosiien said with a glance towards Gavin, who seemed to relax a little. "What do you say Andy~?" Gavin stood up a bit more once Frosiien seemed to pull the pressure of bringing Andy as he stepped towards Mindy with a clear of this throat. Soul couldn't help but smile at Kims' words. [i]"You are definitely Guardian Material."[/i] He said with a chuckle, lowering himself to gently press his nose against hers, [i]"I'd think to call you the 'Guardian of Andy'."[/i] He swayed his tail, settling back down again. [hr] Mitch followed Merlin easily, sure he couldn't fly as well as the Noctowl, but he was able to keep up with his stubby legs and wings. He looked around as he followed, making sure to take in everything that he could, trying to spot anything too important.