As Evemarie approached the two Twi’lek guarding the mouth of the tunnel, four more came out of hiding from the foliage and rock surrounding the area. All held blasters at the ready and aimed towards Evie, as the Twi’leks were not about to take a stranger for granted. Not after all they had been through. Speaking in their native tongue, one of the older looking Twi’lek instructed the initial two guards to pass back the word to the cavern that there was a presumed Force-wielder, judging by the lightsaber, at the cave of the mouth. The two Twi’lek didn’t hesitate. They turned and bolted back into the tunnels, disappearing into the darkness that started to spread as the sun set over the horizon. From the initial meeting of the stranger to arriving back at the cavern was a ten minute run for the two Twi’leks. They hurried past the small population that was moving around the cavern as they prepared for nightfall. Approaching the meeting of leaders and the Jedi, both were slightly winded as they slowed just a few feet from Sar. “Bril, Nabat, what is it?” Sar asked immediately, eyeing the two Twi’leki males as they stopped to catch their breath. “There’s someone at the entrance of our tunnel. She said she was responding to Lo’s message, and carries a lightsaber.” The man said in between breaths. Before Lo could agree with Aren's words, she spotted the two Twi'lek guards moving in close. Her head shifted with concern plastered on her face. She narrowed her eyes while they exchanged words with Sar. When her long ears twitched at her name being mention, her eyes looked to Dominik and it clicked. The message sent out about two weeks ago. "It seems more help arrived." She began to raise onto her feet as she paused, glancing briefly at her master. "I'll go get her and explain the situation, so by the time we arrive she will have a grasp of what has happened." “Do not be so quick as to accept them as help, Lo.” Dominik warned, taking his walking stick and using it to help himself stand slowly. “You sent the message to the Council, but who’s to say it wasn’t intercepted. It’s a chance you had to take.” He said, balancing himself before looking to Sar. “Lo and I will go see who it is. Send more runners to the other entrance, just in case.” Sar glanced at Lo before his eyes moved to Dominik as the older Jedi spoke. He couldn’t hide the concern in his eyes but he knew it was best for the Jedi to go see first. He nodded and looked to one of the other leaders, who understood his look and immediately stood to fetch more runners for the other group guarding the second open tunnel. Lo looked ready to argue, but her master had a point. She merely assumed the channel was secure enough not be sliced into. Her mouth closed as she gestured for him to lead the way. It was obvious he wasn’t going to let her go alone or likely first, despite any arguments. With a slight curiosity, she let herself reach out with the force. Nothing. No hint of the individual in the force aside from Dominik, Aren and her padawan. Lo’s head tilted to the side in confusion at the discovery. She questioned if they were even a Jedi at this point as she followed behind her master, quietly figuring out the answers to her question. Dominik saw that Lo had wanted to argue with him as he stood, but she didn’t, and he smirked. Walking past Sar, Dominik handed the Twi’lek man his walking stick after he got his balance. The Twi’lek man cautiously took it, giving Dominik a questioning look. After a few moments, he figured it out. No matter who it was, Dominik did not want them to see him using it at their first meeting. He didn’t want to look weak. After leading the way out of the cavern, he slowed down, pushing his senses out around them as he attempted to feel who it was that's waiting for them. He took in a deep breath, limping only slightly without the help of his walking cane. He took this moment to look over to his Padawan as they walked before his eyes returned ahead. “I want to resume your training tomorrow.” “Master, not to be disrespectful, but that is easier said than done. With the new developments and concerns the village leaders have, they will be looking to us for assistance. We can’t simply brush off their request.” Lo pointed out, fearing there wouldn’t be time or a chance for training. The time for that felt like it had passed for them now. Her eyes turned to him while her feet kept walking in a straight line, her senses aware of her surroundings in a way she hadn’t been when they first arrived. “We won’t be brushing off their request, Lo. We have other Jedi here to help as well. I’ve already spoke to Sar on the matter, he fully understands the duty I have as your Master. We will make time, even if it is just a few minutes.” “All right, but I’m finding that hard to envision. What happens if you’re right and it’s not a Jedi that has come to our aid? I don’t sense anything and I can usually sense someone with the Force pretty well. Do you think it’s possibly someone here, of all places, managed to obtain a light saber and intercept the message?” She continued to keep pace as they drew closer to the entrance. “Honestly, Lo, I’d almost prefer that over what else it could be that isn’t help.” Dominik said quietly. Slowly the pair emerged from the darkness of the tunnel, trailed by the two Twi’lek from before. As the dimming sun greeted them Dominik saw the darkened figure out the mouth of the tunnel, surrounded by Twi’lek scouts. As he approached, his eyes became more adjusted to the light and he was able to make out the figure’s features easier. He could sense her Light-sided aura, though it was obvious she was using her skills to hide it from those less skilled. Looks were deceiving though, as she wore no Jedi robes, bore a curved-hilt saber on her hip, and wore a darker tone to her appearance. As the two Jedi grew near, the Twi’leks surrounding the stranger backed away slightly and lowered their weapons. Dominik stood tall and held his hands lightly behind his back as he stopped about a dozen feet away from the figure. He waited for a few moments, observing her stance and the way she presented herself before he spoke. “I am Jedi Master Dominik Rothul. State your business.” Evie casually awaited on whom she was going to make contact with, the Twi’lek guards were less then friendly but given their situation she’d be a bit on edge as well. Eventually two figures emerged and what appeared was an older gentleman with what appeared to be a Bothan. Both were wearing their robes but it appeared the gentlemens hung a bit looser than they normally would. When he spoke he was frank and to the point. “Greeting Master Rothul. I’m Jedi Knight Evemari Barrall. I picked up a distress message about two weeks ago and thought my assistance may be needed. My apologies for not arriving promptly but I always do my best to cover my tracks. Especially when receiving such a message as one never knows whom else may have heard it. An old habit I picked up from my master.” she said courteously. Lo wanted to blurt out that the knight didn’t look like a Jedi, but she resisted the urge. Instead, she fell into the role of student and simply observed the transaction between the pair. Her brown eyes flickered from Master Rothul to Knight Barrall casually. Instantly, her name brought back old memories Dominik hadn’t thought of in years. He took a near silent sigh of relief as his nostrils flared. He glanced at the Twi’lek surrounding her, watching each one for a second before nodding at them. Almost instantly, they began to relax a little more. “Knight Barrall, this is my Padawan, Lo Lya’Tre.” Dominik said, gesturing to Lo beside him before he glanced past Evie towards the horizon. “We can answer any questions you may have, but first we should get inside the tunnels. It’ll be safer.” Lo’s head bow respectfully, but she still remained silent. “It’s a pleasure to formally make both of your acquaintances, my apologies for putting you on edge but thought it was best to avoid wearing the traditional robes to not raise any suspicion. Please lead the way, I’m hoping that the situation has slightly improved.” Evie said calmly as she followed Dom into the tunnel. "I don't think we'll see any true improvement until more support from the Republic or the Council is received." Dominik stated as they started into the tunnels. It was a topic he had spoken to Sar about often. Both before the accident and after he had woken from the mortar attack. The caverns were a maze, which was both good and bad for their situation. They provided cover and concealment whilst allowing movement easily within the tunnel system. However, they couldn't trust the integrity of the rock that made up the system, nor were their options for easy escape viable. Right now one of the tunnels was completely blocked, the one he had forced a collapse into. Which left two tunnels, both looking in poor condition after the mortar attack. They needed to move the people. But with the eyes of the enemy on them constantly, Dominik knew movement into the open was risky. Especially with so many Twi'lek. Plus they were still running low on supplies. The supply drops the Council had provided, two of them so far, had gone a long way on providing for the people, but there wasn't enough rations, ammunition and weapons, and medical assets to help support this relief mission that seemed to grow closer and closer to a war each day. Dominik couldn't hide the facts, so he had to be honest. "We still don't know everything about our enemy. It seems however that they know much more about us than we previously thought. The Zygerrians aren't capable of the feats they have accomplished so far, not without help. But we don't have the assets to attempt a reconnaissance mission yet." As they walked, Dominik couldn't help his partial limp as he favored his right hip. The man kept his pace slow, allowing both Lo and Evie to keep at an even walk next to him. Lo listened. She knew the situation nearly as well as her master, in some areas more. The tension had become thick enough it needed to cut, and she knew how. “We still have local wildlife and plants to help some losses. It would help to do another search for healing herbs in the near future. We might be able to figure how to refit certain materials for new purposes, it will just take time.” Evie took in the situation but two things stood out to her the most, the first was Dom appeared to be concealing a limp and the second being the capability of the Zygerrians. “Whom do you think would be guiding them?” she said calmly, completely ignoring Lo as if more sinister forces were guiding the Zygerrians. Sending scavenging parties would be fruitless. Especially if they couldn’t afford the man power but raiding parties would be potentially more fruitful. Albeit more risky and would violate terms of the treaty. However if the Sith are involved then they are violating it anyway. She did not like the idea of fighting with one arm behind her back. Especially against those devious masters of despair. Dominik nodded towards Lo's direction as she made the point of foraging parties. He knew anything was needed right now, they still had the natural world to draw from in terms of healing and help. “I believe it’s the Sith. But I don’t want to spread rumors. We don’t have positive identification that the Dark Side is helping the Zyggerians. All we can do right now is wait until the opportunity arises… and hope we can get more aid from the Council and the Republic.” Evie nods and looks down at the young Bothan girl and smiles. [i] Ahhh to have such hope even when the situation is dire. I wish I was like that but alas I think that fire has diminished.[/i] She thinks to herself taking a moment to compose her words. She knew her blunt nature had not fostered many relationships and had alienated her peers. “How have the foraging parties been going? Hopefully yielding results to maintain for now. Also I take it was you who has been organizing everything when your master was injured?” she says with a smile. “Right now, the herb stock is full. But I feel, now that it has been confirmed my message has gotten out, that we will need more. A dark, worried sensation seems to make me think the worst hasn't come yet and I want to prepare for that. We also found some of what I think are abandoned outposts and machines, but we haven’t had a chance to investigate it.” She answered the first question then moved onto the next after a breath. “Yes, I have. Master Rothul was in a coma for about a week. I didn’t know if he would ever wake up, so I had to take charge and make some decisions I didn’t like. However, it was needed.” “That is very commendable of you Lo, to take command of the situation when things seem bleak is quite the feat. And you did what you had to do, such decisions are never easy but need to be made.” she replied cheerfully before turning to Master Rothul. “Quite the apprentice you have there Master Rothul. Now if it is the Sith… Are we prepared to deal with the threat if it presents itself and if not how may I be of service.” She replied. Her tone had noticeably changed when the topic of the Sith was addressed. Dominik kept silent as he listened to Lo and Evie talk. He would never be able to undo what had been done. The hardship Lo had endured while he was in a coma was something very few Padawans faced during their early years as a Jedi. He smiled at Evie's comment complimenting Lo, before his thoughts moved on to the rest of her question afterward. Lo listened to the praise, but didn’t think she deserved it. Not fully. Her early lessons about hesitation and not weighing risk had humbled her in her master’s absence. A role she felt she was ill-suited for. She remained silent while Master Rothul and the Knight talked. Her awareness barely noted her teacher smile at her causing her to return a watered down version before returning her gaze to the front. "We're prepared in certain aspects, but in others we are not." Dominik said, glancing to Lo for a moment. “Jedi Knight Aren Bec and I are prepared to fight any that come our way, but our Padawans are not. I'll discuss it with you later. Now is not the time." Dominik stated. He was grateful Evie had arrived, for now he had another asset he could use if it did come down to a fight. He had someone to look after the Twi'lek and the Padawans should he and Aren need to lead the Sith away. “Aren???? She is here? Oh that is wonderful!” she said excitedly before composing herself. Such behavior is unbecoming but she couldn’t help it as she had not seen Aren in a year. Now she was going to be working with her elder sister. Lo’s fur bristled from her ears to her toes from the Knight’s sudden outburst. Her step stuttered, but she managed not to fall on her muzzle. However, she tasted blood from biting her tongue. A painful lesson about being more careful where it wandered to. Swallowing the iron taste, her eyes darted to the Knight just as the apology came. “My apologies Master Rothul, it is just that we were quite close at the academy and we are like sisters. Anyway, I take it that neither has been properly stress tested in duel? I can be of assistance with that.” she said in a flustered tone clearly trying to mask her excitement for working with Aren. Evemarie’s excitement caught Dominik off guard, but it was a welcome reaction. The situation had become very serious and due to that many of the emotions Dominik sensed around him were that of worry, rigidity, and things slightly more grim. The Twi’lek children had managed to remain joyful, happy. Laughing and playing when they were allowed. Sometime he wishes Lo would join them like she used to, but he knew the experience she had whilst he was in his coma had changed her a lot. He hoped she’d still be able to have a little downtime once things were truly settled. “No need to apologize, Barrall. It is a welcome emotion right now.” Master Rothul said, a faint smile on his face as they walked. Lo’s head turned to one of the children waving their arms at her, trying to draw her into their play. Naturally she didn’t move. The days of carefree days and play had been replaced with overwhelming responsibility. A depressing enough thought that Lo pushed it away. It was a long casual walk from the entrance of the cave system to where the cavern finally opened up. A couple Twi’lek followed in behind them as eyes from many others move to the trio of Jedi as they entered. It was early evening, so many of them were either grabbing a late dinner or preparing for bed. “We should talk to Sar about a room and place for you to bunker for the night.” Lo commented toward Knight Barrall. Her eyes seeking out the older Twi’lek from where the leaders once sat. They appeared to have departed for the night while waiting on the Jedi. Dominik nodded towards Lo. “He’s the leader of these Twi’leks. He’s also the one that we met first once we arrived. They were wary of us when we first arrived, but they’ve proved to be reliable allies.” Dominik explained, leading the way towards the hut Sar usually bunked in for the night. “I should likely check in on the patients while you two handle this. One of them is on high risk of relapsing and I’m scheduled to take the night shift today.” Lo spoke, giving herself an excuse to depart. Dominik looked towards his Padawan at her words, watching her for a moment as he stopped walking. “Get some rest after your shift. Remember what I told you earlier.” Dominik said, watching her almost sternly before he continued walking with Evie. “Sar and I will be discussing more into the night, if you need either of us Lo.” Dominik called back to her before he continued leading Evie on a search for the older Twi’lek. "Easier said than done. You know I'm the main healer here and there're things I can do, that others can't. I promise, I'll find some time to sleep. If I need help, I'll make sure to send someone or you'll sense it." She stated, leaving something unsaid as she moved toward the healer's hut. Evie just took everything in and couldn’t help but smile a little. [i] I wonder if my interactions with Padawan will be similar .[/i] she mused to herself before interjecting. “You will be of no use to your patients Lo if your fatigue gets the better of you. You’d do best to mind your master.” she said sternly as Lo walked off.