[center][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/699400421785075732/699403059398443028/jadetest.png[/img][/center] A wave of relief washed over Jade as Maurer dismissed the frightened cadets, leaving them to their own misery while they figured out how this whole ‘on your own’ deal worked. The entire point, in Jade’s opinion, of training was to be told what to do each minute of the day. She was not opposed to doing things on her own; in fact, she thrived on it. Her eyes slowly looked around as she broke from her thoughts to observe everyone breaking formation to go about their way. No one really looked familiar, at least no one that she could see at that moment. Sighing, Jade pushed some strands of hair out of her face and began to walk. She tried her best to look at everyone that was within sight so that she could begin remembering faces, this way later on she could tie them to their actual names. [color=D25167][i]’I wonder what made them join,’[/i][/color] she thought to herself as she crossed her arms, flexing a little to make the tightness of her jacket go away. She was right in between sizes, the one up fitting her too bit and the one down fitting her a little snug. Unfortunately, those that fitted them chose the smaller one. She guessed she’d have to lose a little more weight in order to be perfect for it. As the girl walked, her head turned to the left as she looked at a cabin she was passing, she came to an abrupt halt when she felt herself hit someone else. [color=D25167][i]’God damn it dumbass, you ran into someone,’[/i][/color] her mind scolded her as she turned to look up, her eyes immediately showing her apology before she could even get it out of her mouth. [color=D25167] “I am so, so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention…” [/color] She didn’t know what to say as she tried to find the words to show how sorry she was. Her eyes locked onto the other girls’ emerald eyes and her mouth fell open slightly. [color=D25167]“Wow! You’re so pretty.”[/color] She hadn’t meant to say it out loud, yet here they were. [color=D25167] “Oh, I’m sorry for that too.” [/color]Jade could feel the rush of blood riding to her cheeks, giving away how embarrassed she was.[color=D25167] “I’m Jade. This whole thing is a bit awkward.” [/color] She let out a nervous laugh as she looked back up to the girl, hoping that she would take it lightly and not be yet another bitch like the ones Jade had already come across. [@HecateProxy]