[b]Major Bradford[/b] Of course that's where she knew the name from. The Major had been staying with Eleanor and William, when she herself had been in Bath. Poor Eleanor had been knocked sideways by a bad bout of flu, and as Matilda had been in town, she made sure to call upon her old friend. The two girls had grown up together in the wilds of Appleby, and remained close through letters and visits. Eloise, Matilda's sister, resided in Bath herself with her husband Monty. It was very easy to make arrangements to see Eleanor when she stayed with them. Arthur. That was his name. When the Major nodded in her direction, she returned the gesture in kind. Henry spotted the interaction with his hawklike eyes, and he made a note to ask Tilly about it later on. And by ask, he obviously meant to tease and use it against her when the occasion called for it. After all, that what brother's did best. Especially younger ones. Matilda, always one to spot an exit opportunity during an awkward social interaction, smiled chamringly at the Colonel and Mrs Hollyworth. [b]"Do excuse me. It was lovely to meet you both."[/b] Anna was about to open her mouth to a voice a protest, but alas, the crestfallen woman was too late. Tilly was already out of earshot, and well on her way to finding Alice. However, enroute, she did spot Major Bradford. Perhaps she should leave him to his brooding. He certainly seemed to be trying hard to avoid everyone. But, it would be courteous to say 'Hello' to an acquaintance, would it not? Mainly through curiosity and no real care for social etiquette, Matilda walked up to the Major and stood beside him. "Hello." The blonde smiled warmly as she straightened out the skirt of her dress, "You look very busy trying to avoid everyone.." Naturally, it was a rather blunt observation, but a valid one nonetheless. Matilda quite believed, that it was often the blunt observations, that were the most accurate.