Makki allowed himself to be pushed along with the crowd and half listened to the questions being fired off by first years as they speculated what the year would be like. They were already huddling together, usually those with the same element and Makki assumed it was because they might have known each other. During his first year, he had stayed by Northern Water Tribe students for the first week or so until he had had a chance to get to know others in his classes. Makki looked down at Suzume as she caught up with him. She was one of those people he had gotten to know though he could remember many a time when he had annoyed her with an outburst in class. "To be honest, I'd rather not fight him at all." He said with a shrug of his shoulders, "He's...too focused. I have no doubt he's better than me in a fight, but at least using pro-bending rules will even the odds." He looked forward and into the backs of various heads as they moved as one down the corridor. "Don't worry about it. I'm confident I can put up a fight. Maybe I'll even win. I expect you to be there, Suzume." He gave a friendly wink before putting a hand on her shoulder and steering her through the crowd to the back where the noise was significantly less. "I'll be taking the Animals course for sure and Martial Arts. Apart from those, I was thinking Chi and Chakras, and Spirits." He explained, counting down the classes on his fingers, "It seems proper to take spirits considering I live a stone's throw away from a Spirit Portal." The great Avatar Korra had left the spirit portals open to encourage spirits and humans living together peacefully. It had been hard, but slowly it was working just as she had hoped. The spirits had become a valued part of water tribe society and Makki was not sure he would want to live in a world without them. "What about you, what classes do you want to join?" Makki watched the first years split into two groups, one heading towards the girl's dormitory, and the boys to theirs. He stopped where they had separated and turned to face his airbending friend.