The Seeker reluctantly followed the skeletal being. He who was their enemy. Their efforts to escape the darkness had been replaced with the desire to [i]kill[/i] the darkness, this darkness took the form of some sort of astral skeletal being. Unfortunately for the seeker the being was much more powerful than they had imagined. With a quick turn of events, the seeker was lead to a grand place where the skeletal being sat with another seemingly deific being, they knew within their heart just who these two beings were. He felt as if he knew who they were but he struggled to come up with a specific name for them, he lingered in his thoughts. Releasing his focus on what was happening around him and dived into his mind. It was the first time he had a moment to think about things and for some reason his mind kept coming back to a name. This name, '[i]his[/i] name, had not just appeared. It appeared moments after trying to save someone, but everything was moving so fast...nothing like his time in the abyss. In the abyss, events happened but he could never discern the order in which they happened but in this world of light things happened one at a time and then they moved on. [i]How am I supposed to register all of this?[/i] he stood looking at the two in the gazebo. [i]Let's go over what happened...[/i]His mind spoke clear to him while the sounds around him drowned into a muffled roar. [i]I was in the darkness. I tried to save someone. I am in the light. My name, I know, is Zeyruun. I attacked-[/i]. He thought process was cut short as it wanted to linger on that last thought. He didnt want to think of anything else at the moment. [i]Zeyruun...[/i] Zeyruun had a body. It had grown around him, cocooning him in its embrace. He didn't feel like he had time to dwell on his transcendence at that moment, at the time he needed to kill darkness. However, he remembers the event vividly. Bones sprouted out from his being, muscles and sinew latched onto the bones seconds later. Skin encased the new body in its entirety, a dark tan colour. His body felt tall, he felt this was especially true when standing in the beautiful garden with the other abyss dweller whom he tried saving. His body had no hair on the head, but it had hair over his, it wasn't hair and it wasn't coming from his chest. It was [i]on[/i] his chest. A shirt, another peice of clothing hanging on his legs aswell. It was all very weird and surreal what was happening before him. To his left Zeyruun could see the other one, the one like him, coming into a body of his own, likely he came into a name aswell. He spared a glance at him, Zeyruun felt something towards this one, understanding? Relief? Fellowship? It was hard to fully grasp how he felt but at the very least he didnt feel bad. Zeyruun felt he must have looked the same way as the being beside him when he himself came into his body, surprise and confused followed by an overwhelming sense of familiarity and comfort. Zeyruun forced himself out of his thoughts and moved to the gazebo a step or two behind the other one. Something told Zeyruun to wait and listen, the other one seemed to speak freely and naturally, but Zeyruun didn't know what to say. He just stood there solid in posture, waiting for the two deific beings to explain things to him.