[centre][h1][color=7ea7d8]Lauren Jones[/color][/h1] [@MsMorningstar][@Inkarnate][/centre] [color=silver]Released by the Maurer's barked orders, the cadets all breathed a sigh of relief and shoulder slumped in relaxation. For most, they had escaped with naught but a spiteful word. At the other end of the spectrum, some were to spend the next three hours running under supervision from instructors; Lauren was grateful that her punishment was merely a few laps of the parade ground. She wanted to start immediately so as not to draw the ire of any watching instructors but there was something she wanted to do first. After much thought she had decided on her course, reasoning that talking to this individual would not bring any punishment on either of them; at least, not after the others' existing public dressing down. With frustration she sought through the dispersing formation, her short height stopping her from finding her quarry easily but, unsurprisingly, her target was being given a wide berth by those immediately around them. Jogging up to Charles, she looked up into his face and bit back her instant feelings of inferiority. There was an air about him, something in the way he carried himself and surveyed his surroundings, a quiet self-assurance; which thrust her own insufficiencies to the surface. He might have only been a boy but he stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the cadets as an individual with the upbringing of the upper classes. What on earth had drawn the lad here she could not reason out but there was no time for such musings; she would have plenty of that while running. [color=7ea7d8][b]"Listen, my Ma is in the Garrison and she taught me a few things about military life. You were brave to speak out and all that. Braver than me and..."[/b][/color] This was not like her to approach someone but, for some reason, she felt like she owed Charles for doing what he did, as if it had been in her place. It was stupid and a mistake but he had still done what she was sure many had wanted someone to. [color=7ea7d8][b]"Thanks. I was too anxious to say anything, not in my nature and all that. Anyways, it was a stupid thing to do and you're probably going to get a drubbing later so come find me. I've learned a few things from my Pa's clinic so I can take the edge off it."[/b][/color] A few looks were being thrown their way now. She had lingered too long. [color=7ea7d8][b]"I've got to go, do my run. Remember and thanks!"[/b][/color] She dashed off, trying to dampen the rising redness in her cheeks. The last thing she wanted was to be associated with someone destined to either become a hero or a leper to the cadets but she would not have felt right if she had not offered to help. A weight lifted from her chest, Lauren slowed into an easy jog and found her way to the edge of the parade ground. After a moment's indecision she turned left and began her first circuit. It was not long before her stifling uniform began to make its thick weight felt and sweat dripped down the sides of her face but this felt good; a release from the tense attention they had been forced to stand at for hours, braced emotionally and physically for abuse heading their way. Her muscles relaxed, stretching out their stiffness and she found her rhythm, letting her mind drift off as she ate up the assigned distance. So distracted in her own drifting consciousness was she that Lauren failed to take note of the blonde girl who had fallen into stride next to her. After nearly a minute she clocked the girl's presence and recalled Maurer's assault on the twins nearly immediately after her own punishment had been meted out. It did not feel uncomfortable, running in silence, and the other girl had a clearly focused expression on her face, much like the one Lauren had most likely been wearing earlier, indicating that she was also not wildly interested in talking. [color=7ea7d8][b]"Lauren."[/b][/color] She introduced herself before returning to her jogging-induced daydreaming. They jogged on in silence, enjoying each others' undemanding company while their colleagues filtered across to the cabins. A few stayed on the field, talking, but most seemed keen to find their bunks and grab a meal. The thought of food dragged Lauren from her exercise-induced euphoria and rumbled her belly discreetly; she was used to missing meals what with the unpredictable and sometimes demanding business of Pa's clinic but after today a filling supper was exactly what she needed. Having stumbled onto an easy conversation, the words began to tumble out of her mouth as her social anxiety drifted away. [color=7ea7d8][b]"I'm looking forwards to some grub after this - I reckon they'll probably just serve us gruel or something what with it being the first day and all. Another punishment, like this one, right? Ma told me the first week would be the hardest but at least we're not one of those five poor sods or the rich-sounding boy!"[/b][/color] They started on their final designated lap of the parade grounds, the majority of the other cadets still mulling around by the cabins. [color=7ea7d8][b]"Let's make this interesting - I bet you half a stale bread roll I can beat you back to the cabins?"[/b][/color] She laughed, a light and almost sing-song sound. The action itself released the stress she had been holding in from the moment she had arrived at the site and she felt a fresh burst of energy flood her weary muscles. With a burst of speed she started eating up the remaining distance back to the cabins, a small grin on her face.[/color]