[@Pezz570][@Fetzen][@13org][@HokumPocus][@Typical] [hr] The man continued to run along with group as they followed their benefactor. Getting there was a slog as they would be taking all sorts of strange misdirecting turns and some pauses. The cold rain soaking him and everyone else was unpleasant, but not entirely foreign to him. Many times he'd silently endure bad weather when he was out in the wildernesses when traveling between places. But it was annoying to wait there silently and without any direction. If he was out on his own he'd have the anime to keep moving or seek or make shelter from the rain. On the bright side of things, at least him and his clothes were getting a wash. Eventually they'd finally enter the lair through this secret tunnel in an unassuming building. Malkev would finally introduce himself as such. And with his introduction came the reveal that the Watch was gone and had some "allies" that would be of use. His interest and enthusiasm was greatly diminished. He had noticed that his senses were heightened without his volition which roused suspicion. Then there was the Kharu-Natjer and his exotic slaves. It did nothing to salvage expectations. [i]"Great, we just walked into a fucking snake pit."[/i] He thought to himself. It was right there and then that he decided he would do nothing with these people. The others may cooperate with Malkev and those people. He would not do anything to accrue any sort of "debt". Already he knew they'd probably have already gained some just by taking refuge here. And so when the healer slaves come towards him, he would push them away. Besides it not like he was hurting and needed it. He could take care of himself with just some time alone. The dinner offered was another thing he'd declined to partake in. Still, he lingered a while longer than he needed as he saw Chres sitting alone and looking down. He'd do nothing when Karina approached Chres. He figured the man would only be in the mood for just one person. [i]"I wonder who else doesn't trust trust these people. Well time for me to take my leave. No use lingering here if I'm not gonna eat."[/i]He thought to himself as he prepared to wonder off. He was thinking of seeing if he could leave this lair. Sure, it was dangerous but it wasn't safe here either.