Victoria started to wheeze even harder. Blood filled her punctured lung. She knew that being turned wasn’t going to be easy, if it did work. But she wasn’t ready to die yet. She wanted a second chance at living a full life. She had barely begun living. She didn’t want to die without having gotten married to the man of her dreams and adorned a beautiful white dress. She hadn’t had a chance to raise any children. There was every chance this was her last moments with Vail. She hoped that if she did die, that she would just slip away peacefully and awaken in another realm where she would reunite with her father. Jean-Claude nodded at Vail’s answer. “Then drink quickly.” He instructed and took Diana out of the room, so she didn’t have to see her daughter being sucked dry by Vail. Diana couldn’t take it if her only daughter died so soon after her husband had. Victoria’s eyes flickered gently as Vail leaned down to kiss her lips, she barely registered his touch as her body began to numb over. She had lost the energy to speak, her mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts. Like would she ever wake in this world again? If she did, would she be in pain? She then felt something wet and it tasted metallic. It was blood. Vail’s blood..? She licked her lips slowly, tasting it was very strange. She knew she had to swallow it in her mouth to absorb into her system, so she gulped and it trickled down into her stomach where the vampiric cells started to work their magic. She tensed, feeling the sharp puncture in her neck. She could feel Vail’s hand holding onto hers and squeeze it lightly. She quickly felt her body grow cold. She could not longer feel her fingers and toes at first, then she lost feeling in her arms and legs. She didn’t fight against her predation from her lover, she knew she was going to die quickly either way. She soon felt so dizzy she felt like she was floating. She became extremely tired and she closed her eyes. She felt as though she was drifting into a deep, deep sleep. And then…she was gone. At least the last person she saw was the man she fell in love with. Gerald watched from his position, knelt on the floor. He gulped hard. “You need to get out of here. The Wynters will soon be here.” He stood and took his gun out, loading it with silver bullets. “I’ll stay behind and slow them down. There’s a carriage out back waiting.” Jean-Claude came back in holding Diana’s hand. “We need to go now.” James ran through the door and slammed it behind him, he panted hard. There was a thump at the door and scratching. “There’s more coming Father. We’re outnumbered.” He informed them and looked at Vail with a lifeless and pale Victoria in his arms. “No…did she….?” He asked with teeth gritted. “She didn’t make it. She had to be turned now if she has any sort of chance.” Jean-Claude led them to the back door through the kitchen and there it was, a big carriage with four black horses waiting to escape London.