The nobody's mystery woman seemed shocked at the greeting, even asked if they were not afraid, which... sure made them regret not hightailing it first chance they got. '[i]Maybe the smile didn't work,[/i]' they thought. Said thought stuck for a second. The nobody hadn't stopped to take a moment to ponder it themselves, but... they didn't even know what they looked like. If they even had a face to smile [i]with[/i]. What... what [i]was[/i] the nobody? [color=darkred]"Well, I guess it's refreshing to meet someone who does not have a meltdown over a simple 'hello',"[/color] were the words to snap the nobody back to reality, or whatever was meant to pass for it. Seems like not bolting was the right choice after all. '[i]Oh yeah, smooth sailing now,[/i]' they briefly thought to themselves as they watched the lady wave her hand. Maybe not knowing the reality of your existence isn't so bad if you can hang out with a total babe like- [u]Lisami.[/u] It hurt. That name hurt so much. The pain assaulted the nobody as suddenly as it was mentioned, their 'body' freezing stiff for a moment. From an outsider's perspective, nothing too gruesome was happening. However, what it [i]felt[/i] like was different. Not only did the pain of memories flooding into the nobody's- no, their name was Cythril. The memories contained it. Cythril's mind. Lisami. Cythril. Goddess. Balance. EndingsOmegaworldVoidfoxspiritpreservethecreationof Bones snapped into place, the back shot out three different ways, limbs were growing and coiling around themselves, hair shooting out like needles. No screaming. There wasn't a voice left to scream with as their lungs choked on themselves. Ran out of air to breathe outwards. Out of noise to make. Blood started to circulate aggressively through the veins of this newfound body, feeling the heat it lacked finally land through a burning sensation akin to fire and brimstone. It subsided. The result of this hellish experience was a man, lying down in the grass. He barely had the time to ponder the ticklish feelings of the moist blades rubbing against his skin. He pushed himself up, looking down at his [i]hands[/i]. Unlike before, he could see them with clarity. Not just the hands, but the white sleeves lazily hanging down below them too. Wind brushed against his face, blowing through his hair. A few strands of blurry gray waved themselves in front of his eyes. That breeze did more than just that, though. It brushed against his ears, perched on top of the head rather than to the side. Tickled the fuzz inside. Ruffled the hairs around the back. The last thing of note was the tail swaying gently side-to-side. That's right. This was his body. The goddess asked for his name. "Ah... of course, my name is Cythril, milady." He stood there, blinking for a brief moment. Then Cythril remembered who she was. He quickly bowed down after that. "D-d'oh, err, I ah, I apologise for my rudeness, I erm, uh, your humble servant is at, d'ah, your service?"