[center][h1][b][color=C9A486]2[/color][/b][/h1][/center] ‘You have no idea what you’ve done, do you?’ said Amber, giving Jack an incredulous glare, ‘Why would you steal from someone’s grave?’ Jack returned a look of an equal incredulous nature. He said, ‘I mean, I’m not stealing it, I’m just taking a closer look.’ He let the gem drop from his finger-and-thumb grip into his hand, where he turned his eyes back down to it as it rolled back and forth, settling in the warm pulp of his palm. ‘I’ve never seen a jewel like this one before. Like, I’ve seen some expensive shit in my time, but nothing like thing.’ He looked at amber again from the tops of his eyes. ‘So what the fuck is it, then?’ ‘The fuck?’ Amber confused over the words Jack had used. ‘What is this fuck you speak of?’ Jack sighed, and said, ‘Never mind that, it’s just a word of slang, you know, a cuss. I just wanna know what this gem is.’ Amber considered this, remaining quiet for a time while she too stared at the gem. It looked like she was about to say nothing and maybe even walk away when she suddenly blurted out the answer – ‘It’s not a gem! I mean it is, but it is not in the typical sense of the word. It is called an Escion. It belongs to a….’ she paused, as if afraid to speak the word, ‘…it belongs to a… beast. A thing. An ancient… [i]thing[/i]. And it is going to be wanting it back. This escion was placed here at this man’s grave for a reason.’ The more she spoke, the more she thought about the situation, and the angrier she seemed to be getting. Her face was red with rage before she finished her speech and then turned and walked away. ‘You don’t have any clue of what you have just unleashed upon the world!’