[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2rzyA1k.png[/img] [color=crimson][h1]The HMS Nyx, descent towards the surface of Venus[/h1][/color][/center][hr] Victor found himself where he usually did as of late- along at his observation deck at the top of the ship. Mulling over the past few hours, and the events that had happened. The attack, was a shock for him- for all of them, and before he knew it he along with a few others were assigned to a task force with the sole purpose of hunting down some pirates and giving them a good shooting in response to the black eye the Empire had just received. He was unsure whether the attacks were planned or coordinated, but he did know that it was no pirate they were after, but the Butcher of Banzig herself. One of the biggest legends of the war, Cahtrida was [i]supposed[/i] to be dead. So they were either fighting a ghost, or someone pretending to be her- and Victor wasn't sure which option he'd have preferred. Most of the fleet, unfortunately, was unable to follow Victor onto the surface of Venus, and were stuck waiting and watching while the Nyx, and two accompanying Scroop destroyers- the Mimi and Fifi deployed to the surface. They had the general location of the hijacked ship and signal, and the plan was relatively simple. Find and destroy anything that moved- with extreme prejudice. Unfortunately command had ordered them to do so without glassing the local area so the 5th was going in down and dirty to take care of business. Ayame, with her 122nd Direwolves would load up with Albatross gear and run recon on the local area. Upon pinpointing the location of the pirate signal they would relay the information to the Nyx and the destroyers flying above. After which they would provide direct fire and support for the Mimi and Fifi's assault teams. The Mimi's mobile suit team, would be equipped with PINT-1 300mm Recoilless Launchers on top of their standard Heckler rifles and the Fifi's team, would be kitted out with heavy liten shields, not unlike the one mounted on Victor's own Knight Errant. The assault teams would deploy straight from their ships and onto the target location once provided by the Direwolves, and would themselves screen the approach for royal marine dropships tasked with assaulting the ground and ship itself. Meanwhile, the ships themselves would be able to provide limited amounts of support fire via missile launchers and MAG cannons. Accuracy and guidance would be limited once wilberforce particles began getting denser, but they should still be able to soften up entrenched locations or break up what cover the pirates had. Victor himself, already dressed in his flight suit would be on standby atop the Nyx, his Albatross equipped Knight Errant ready to jump into the fight at a moments notice. [color=crimson]"Alright ladies and gentlemen."[/color] Victor said aloud, automatically transmitting to everyone on the squad and tactical frequencies. [color=crimson]Operation Retribution is go. Command has no need for prisoners- take surrenders at your own judgement. Don't waste your lives and keep an eye out for your wingman. Lets get these sons of bitches." "Direwolves."[/color] This time, Galahad's voice was transmitted directly to the Nyx's hangar and its pilots' headsets. [color=crimson]"Get your fangs out, we're hunting big game today. Izumi, deploy when ready."[/color]