Stagcross... the very name was an illusion. A deceit put up by the inhabitants of this place so no wary traveller could anticipate that this actually was not the place any stag would dare to cross, but instead a rat's filthy nest. Or was this too much of an insult against the species of rats ? Vadymc had seen rats much more cleaner than this village as he did not even want to know what kind of soft and muddy stuff his large feet were sinking into. At the very least there were shoes around them, even though the journey here had added a lot to their overall wear and tear. The assassin had potential to stand out of the crowd and that did not change as he approached the tavern. Added to the smell of excrements came that of vomit and spilled drink, the latter probably being the least intolerable of the three. Unfortunately the conversation that hopefully was to come would take a lot longer than he could hold his breath, so he would have to try and keep his own stomach at bay so not to add to the carnage already unfolded. He shoved past a few people clogging up the entrace, having to duck in order not to bang his head against several supporting crossbeams. The tiefling's eyes looking out not for the counter and the drinks that were sold there, but for the one that might have made the anonymous call. A woman of magic, a sorceress. Someone who had potential to be well distinguishable from the drunken crowd. He found her in the midst of a few other people that had already gathered around her and approached them. "I'd like to apologize for interrupting your conversation, but... are you Ana ?" He hoped that if she was then she could already guess why he approached her.