[center][h1][color=yellow]Kristin Reynolds[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e6/d6/6e/e6d66e8004493a208ff67031dcba235d.gif[/img] [I]Location: Cyclopes Junkyard/Pasture, Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=yellow]"You are actually trusting me with your compass?"[/color] Kristin asked looking at Leda a little bit surprised they weren't really friends, they didn't get along really well with each other that much. [color=yellow]"And American food is the best."[/color] Kristin said, she always really did like eating any kind of fried food whenever she did get the chance to. Kristin followed shortly behind Leda and back out into the yard of the cyclopes, at least the flesh eating horse that had fled didn't decide to come back. She looked up at the sky the sun was about to set and they didn't have to much sunlight left really left in the day. [color=yellow]"We should find a motel or something as well soon."[/color] She suggested, Kristin didn't really like to be in a car at night, as she climbed into the front seat and pulled out Leda's compass. Kristin nodded as well they should be able to get some gas whenever they got to a hotel before they stopped for the day. "Where is the closest motel and gas station?" Kristin asked setting the compass down on the dashboard and it started to point to where they should go, she took a moment and looked through the glove compartment and managed to find a map in pretty good condition and shoved it into her backpack.