Artemis watched him in curiosity, seeing him sniff the water before taking a drink. Would he be immune to all the bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms? The water was still filtered, yet she always had loved sci-fi movies. War of the Worlds being one of her favorites, it posed some great questions even when the fact that they needed human’s blood seemed so silly. The feel of it was still amazing. Yet nothing compared to the feeling of having someone real in her home after a year in complete isolation. Truth to be told, she had tons of series and movies to watch, books to read but that didn’t change the fact that there was no real connection. Watching him as he cleaned the table as she actually felt joy after a long time. She felt silly talking to him as a child, yet it seemed to be working. Only to gasp as he said his name. “Azdrei’in.” She repeated as she then pointed at him. A smile on her face as she could barely hold in her excitement. She finally had a conversation that was real, she finally wasn’t alone anymore. Granted, he had wanted to kill her, but she knew why. Humans were aggressive and she would have done the same if she had to power. It was then that he said two words. Actual tears forming on her face as she heard her name on another his lips. Actually laughing audibly, she was so happy. It had worked! Me Jane, you Tarzan. Who would have thought that Disney would be correct after all? To her, it was more than just speaking. She had been alone the whole year, or was it even longer than that? “Yes!” she said as she nodded her head. “Me Artemis, you Azdrei’in” she said with a smile on her face. It had been so damn long since she even had spoken to someone that could answer. Her smile and tears showing that it was the highlight in a very long time. The accent was stunning, it made her think of Elven, spoken by a dragon and she couldn’t wait to teach him more. Granted, he had slaughtered the human race, but she also knew he was her only chance at survival. Even when it was just as a damn pet. Gaining confidence in the exchange, he decided to take it a step further. Pointing at her, he tested a few human words on his tongue, “You… Artemis?” He made sure to inflect his voice the same way she had when she asked him a question. The short phrase sounded different when he spoke it, colored with an accent because of the way he was used to pronouncing words, but he was pleased that he was able to recreate the sounds she had made. Now that he knew they were capable of communicating, he wanted to find out more about her people. It seemed that he was far more intelligent than her species, smiling as he started to mimic the words that she was trying to teach. Only to completely freeze and look in wonder when he showed the river in her mind. Her mouth agape as she realized what was happening. The world that he showed was stunning, glowing plants everywhere as she saw the river. “This is insane.” She muttered to herself only to say yes again as he let her heard the word in her mind. Deciding to use the tablet once more to draw something. Drawing two stick figures with thoughts. With hers, she decided to add her red hair, with him she decided to draw some fangs. Putting though balloons on top of them. With an arrow pointing at her head from his balloon, from her balloon to his head, she put a big cross over it as she then showed it to him once more. She wanted to teach him so much, but she also needed him to know that she knew what had happened. Wiping the tablet and swiping towards the tv screen that was against the wall. Both of them could look at it while she was drawing. Or anything else she would do on it. Deciding to just show her one of her drawings from the past. Of humans fighting and nature suffering. Drawing a sad face above it. Then she went on to show him the fungus. Fast images on how it changed her world with the footage. Of her and her family moving into the bunker and even showing him that her parents got ill. That she never had been, even when she had been around them. It was easy to show him with video, even when it was hard on her. She often watched that footage again, of her and her parents. Only to show the season summer on earth with her with some birthday cake next. Letting him show that time passed while she was alone. Only to end at the moment where he was there with her, she didn’t want to make him sad and so she showed a picture of some randomly drawn humans. Pointing at the female as she spoke. “Female.” She said as she then pointed at her “Female”, doing the same for the male and then looking at him. “Male?” she asked very hesitantly. She wanted to do more, she wanted to teach him more words. But what would be best to start with? She wanted some conversation, she wanted to be able to speak to a real person. Only to get an idea, she wanted to know more about his world. And so she decided to show him the difference in nature because of the virus. Smiling as she walked towards the screen and touched the trees, of the cities starting to overgrow. Trying to show that she was happy about nature being able to survive. Then a picture of her, talking to the damn cat, alone in the bunker. Drawing yet another sad face. Showing that she was sad to be alone. Drawing the two faces as she then pointed at the sad face. “Sad” and when there was a happy face “Happy”. “You and me” she said as she pointed at her and him. “Happy” she said as she frowned. Deciding to just take a video of two people talking. “Talk” she said as she pointed to the two people. Trying to show that she was happy to be talking. She then wiped it away once again. Biting her lip as she wondered how to ask him about his story. And so she drew a spaceship on the ground, drawing him outside of it. Moving to just a spaceship from one of her favorite tv shows. Would he know that it wasn’t real? It was quite obvious to her since she had grown up watching all those things. Yet if they had studied her species, he would know that they never had made such vessels, only rockets. She wondered if she had gone too far, yet she had been longing to talk to someone for so long. She wasn’t made to be alone. They were a social species. If only she could explain to him that not all humans were bad. Money in power was what seemed to be more important. She just hoped she could convince him that she was different.