Alex walked into the room to see that the others had managed to gather everyone in the room and nodded in approval. "Okay, we've got about three minutes now before three snowmobiles get here. We don't have much of a clue who's on them so we're going to use ours for cover." He said as he walked towards the entrance of the building. "Even you Mother, I'm sure he'll be fine and I want to make sure we at least outnumber them." He added when she didn't make to move like the rest of the squad. Out side the squad's snowmobiles formed an arc around the building's entrance, it would have to do for cover. Alex looked around briefly and noticed a maintenance ladder on the side of the radio tower. "Hawk, get up there quickly." He said pointing to the tower, before making his way over to the middle snowmobile and crouching down behind it. He checked his ammo and levelled his gun at where the snowmobiles would enter the base, out of the corner of his eye he saw the rest of the squad doing the same on either side of him. "Hold fire until I say so. They could be unarmed." He said as the sound of engines grew louder. "Two riders on the front vehicle, one on the other two." Hawk's voice crackled over the radio. With his height advantage he could already see the snow mobiles approaching the base. "Unarmed civilian clothing." He continued. "They could have just received the distress call and came to see if they could do anything to help." Mother chimed in. "Perhaps, don't let your guard down though." Alex said as the snowmobiles came into view. They slowed down as they pulled into the courtyard area, seemingly not a threat. "Hands up!" Alex shouted across the courtyard as the riders dismounted. They seemed somewhat surprised, not having noticed the squad of soldiers aiming at them. They cooperated and Alex stood up, still keeping them in his sights. "Walk over here, no sudden movements." He said. As the foursome reached him, Alex lowered his weapon. The rest of the squad would have him covered and he doubted they'd be too friendly if he tried to talk to them while pointing a gun in their faces. "Who are you?" He asked, one of the men stepped forward. "My name is Matthias Deniaud and these are my colleagues." The man said with a noticeable French accent. "We're from the French base nearby, we got the distress call and came to see if we could do anything to help." "We've got everything under control here." Alex said, aware something was wrong. Matthias said they had left when they heard the distress call but if Jane had been right about the distance earlier then the French had left about fifteen minutes early. "I see, we'll head back then. I'm glad everything is okay." Matthias replied, and the four Frenchmen turned walking back to their snowmobiles. Alex raised his gun again, watching the men walk across the courtyard. They reached the snowmobiles and paused, doing something Alex couldn't quite make out. Then as they began to mount their vehicles Matthias shouted out. "Maintenant!" The men dived behind their snowmobiles as one of them tossed something at the squad. There was a bang and everything when white. Alex dropped back into his cover behind the snowmobile as he heard someoneshout. "Flashbang." His vision came back as gunfire erupted from behind the other snowmobiles. "Return fire!" Alex shouted, firing off a few shots, hoping that the Frenchmen hadn't noticed Hawk on the radio tower.