[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200208/11ab2a550904b962041573fbfc392a1d.png[/img][/center] [Color=mediumpurple]Time:[/color] Late Afternoon [Color=mediumpurple]Location:[/color] Roshmi Grand Hall [Color=mediumpurple]Interaction:[/color] [@13org] Myra and [@Potter] Artemis, [@Eviledd1984] O’ner. [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O6vqgQo.png[/img][/center] Darius, Myra, Artemis, and Airdan seated themselves at a table far from the entrance. Airdan had been instructed by Aklenroth himself not to seat Darius too close to the entrance as his appearance was too exotic to be the first thing one would see. Demons were rare in greater Avalia and held a hefty stigma. Embodiments of chaos and violence are what most deemed the species as. Even then, their kind though not favored were permitted to travel to where they pleased. Darius had played the role of a demon before to ignorant orcs while passing through Orc Landing and knew a lot more about the species since then. He should have been brimming with confidence, but concern gently scratched in the back of his mind. Maybe he needed a drink… [color=mediumpurple][i]A drink! When’s the last time I had a drink? Avalian is coke wasn’t too bad… so the alcohol should be decent too.[/i][/color] Airdan suddenly spoke as he rose from his seat. His eyes met Darius. He spoke softly as guests were already starting to fill the room with demihumans possessing acute senses amongst them. [color=darkorange]“I apologize for this, but I must seat elsewhere… to cover more ground in our search. You shall fair well with General Faister.”[/color] As if on cue, O’ner approached the table, taking his seat beside Artemis. Darius looked upon the general with confusion due to his appearance. Darius had seen O’ner within Aklenroth’s castle a few times here and there, so he knew the tall lurking skeletal undead never looked like the handsome well-dressed man that now sat at their table. [color=mediumpurple][i]Kol told me that the undead general could change his appearance at will. Looks like everyone is sort of undercover, even with the masks on.[/i][/color] Darius gave a serious nod to Airdan, even though he would have preferred the light elf stayed. Artemis seemed sour around the elf, but he was one the nicer Avalians he’s met. [color=darkorange]“He will ensure you and your company are content for the time being. I bid you farewell, Darius.”[/color] Airdan's true reason for leaving had more to do with his self image. He was a Light Elf Commanding Officer. He couldn't be seen seated with ghastly demons and filthy demihumans. [color=mediumpurple]“See you around!”[/color] Darius said before looking at O’ner again and then to Myra. O’ner sat directly across the large round table from her. To her right sat Darius, and to his right, Artemis, and then there was O’ner. The group took up just half of their table, giving them all a clear view of the rest of the ballroom from their corner. [color=mediumpurple]“I think you should be okay if he’s over there right?”[/color] Darius was not sure how Myra did it, but she could tell when an undead was in disguise. He needed her to be calm during this whole event and as long as he stays close, it shouldn’t be a problem………