[center][hr][h2]Martha[/h2][hr][/center] Martha woke as she always did after a victory party and was surprised to see she was alone. Pausing in thought she tried to remember if she did or didn't come home with someone and because the other side of the bed wasn't mussed up decided that she hadn't so she hopped out and grabbed a shower. Dressed in running tights, sports crop, and shoes Mar headed out for her morning run. It was her normal route and 10k because she was getting ready for a football game next week. Her music played in her ears and as normal she had tuned all but traffic out of her mind; "Where's the Cars?" she was thinking 8 minutes into her run. There were none on the road, none in the parking spots or even a bicycle. Then she came to a halt before a 7/11 that wasn't there the previous day and at first thought she'd taken a wrong turn till she reminded herself that there were no 7/11s in 3 kilometers of her apartment. Standing there she felt a tingle up her spine; "Where are the people?" [center][hr][h2]Yumi[/h2][hr][/center] Waking and then performing her morning prayers Yumi was disappointed that the sky was cloudy so she wouldn't be allowed to properly greet the sun in her rituals. Later after a light breakfast she was sweeping the grounds around the small shrine when she looked at the sky getting a strange feeling something was wrong with the clouds. [center][hr][h2]Venus[/h2][hr][/center] Venus woke and got dressed then gathered her books before heading down to the cafeteria oblivious to the fact that the halls were empty at a time when all the girls she attended school with should be like her headed for breakfast. It wasn't till she grabbed a tray and slid it down the counter that she noticed Ms Arakawa wasn't sitting on her stool at the cash register so she called out "Hi hi, Hi hi" For 5 minutes she called out and no one came so she left her tray there and walked around the counter and pushed the kitchen doors open and saw even back there there was no one and she got scared.