[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7ieqwfU.png[/img][/center] As Icon soared over Lost Haven, he grew more and more frustrated. Frustrated at the fact that even with all of his powers, he was utterly powerless to protect Alexa from an assassin's bullet. He feared that the assassination attempt on Alexa had proven her father right, that Scott just was not capable of protecting his daughter. But even more than that, he was growing frustrated by the fact that he had made so little headway in determining just who was responsible for the attempt on Alexa's life, and by extension, who it was that had left that note for him. The note had stated that “they” knew who Icon was, and with the attack on Alexa, he knew deep down that this was not a bluff. The attempt on Alexa's life had been a message for him. What that message was, was received loud and clear: Nobody in his life was safe. He had already began trying to make his friends and family safer. He told Jenny that maybe it was time to get out of the city for a little while. Of course, she refused. She had told him that she wouldn't just uproot her life and run away, and as much as he disagreed with her, he respected her choice. So, he was relieved when she agreed to go stay with a friend until this had all blown over. When he went to Eric, his best friend and business partner was more understanding. He recognized the danger associated with being “Icon's best friend,” especially since it seemed that a dangerous enemy had somehow deduced the hero's secret identity. However, he also refused to pack up and leave, and of course, he noted that they couldn't just close down now, so soon after reopening after the Hounds of Humanity had attacked the club. Of course, Scott admitted that Eric had been right, they couldn't just close down every time there was a threat of some sort as a result of Scott's “day job.” However, Scott was relieved when Eric had suggested hiring additional security for the time being. For the first time since he had taken up the mantle of Icon, he felt completely powerless. After the attempted assassination on Alexa, he had been out pounding the pavement, so to speak. Searching the city for any trace of the assassin who's bullets had not only injured Alexa, but killed six other people that day. He had left no stone unturned, but had come up with no information that would lead him to whoever it was that was behind this. [color=c0c0c0]“It's like they're ghosts.”[/color] Christopher Arthur had told him when he had gone to him for help, hoping that he could use his vast STRIKE connections to find those responsible. Unfortunately, the truth was that with STRIKE now defunct, there was little that Chris was able to do to track down the assassin or whoever it was that had hired him. However, Chris' inability to help track these people down was far from unique. Icon had gone to nearly everyone that he knew that could possibly help him find anything, but he wasn't even able to get so much as a name. The only information that he was able to get was that the symbol in the note, the eye that looked almost like it came straight from an Egyptian hieroglyph had been seen several times in Crown Ridge. So that was where he was going now. As unlikely as it was, there was one person in Crown Ridge who might be able to help. All Icon had to do was ask. However, he had to find him first. He hadn't been responding to his hails over the Guardians' com system that Arthur had developed, and he wasn't exactly known for being easy to contact. However, Icon had his methods for finding people, even if they didn't necessarily want to be found. The truth was, Icon knew almost as much about the assassins as he did about Lyger. The feline hero was not exactly “one of the gang.” He kept to himself and didn't let others, including his teammates into his world. In fact, the only thing that Icon had to go on was that he had heard someone else speaking to Lyger through a comm device during their battle against the Hounds of Humanity, and again shortly after during a brief meeting at Sherman Center. However, the people who were speaking to him were very different individuals. During the fight against the Hounds, it sounded as if it were an older male who had been communicating with him. During the meeting at the Guardians' headquarters, it sounded as if it were a younger woman. The only hope that Icon had of finding Lyger, would be to see if he could hone in and find a familiar voice, and hope that he'd be able to trace it to their location. It had only taken Icon moments to travel the ten miles from Lost Haven to Crown Ridge. Once in the air space over “Lost Haven's Ugly Little Sister,” Icon climbed several thousand feet and then he hovered, and listened. He listened desperately hoping to hear a familiar voice. “...You wanna cry? I'll give you something to cry about!” “...Dad, this is my boyfriend, Nate.” “...c'mmon, there's no such thing as aliens! Get yer head outta yer...” “...Come on baby, if you really loved me you would...” “...we've got a 10-54 at the corner on West and Newmart.” Icon heard everything. However, the one thing that he did not hear was what he was desperately looking for. A hint, a familiar voice. A clue which would bring him to the one man he needed to find. Until finally, he heard her voice. “...Well, to be honest, if we're assigning blame, then this is your fault for leaving me alone with the explosives in the first place.” [i]That's her![/i] Icon thought to himself as he recognized the young woman's voice from Lyger's communications device. He began to focus on her voice, drowning out all the other noise in the city until he was only able to hear her voice. Then, he could hear other voices in the same vicinity. There was another woman, who Icon estimated to be in her mid to late twenties, and then a male, who's voice was somewhat familiar, though not quite. However, he supposed that the male could be Lyger, who was currently not using his voice modulator. There was a little bit of yelling, and someone said something about a ruined motorcycle, which was more than enough for Icon to lock onto and get a general idea of where they were. Icon headed toward the city, and by following the voices, traced them back to an old dilapidated Post Office building. [i]This can't be right, there's nothing here.[/i] Icon thought to himself as he walked around the run down building. However, he could still hear the voices within, and they appeared to be coming from below the structure itself. So he continued to look around for a way in. Then he saw something that didn't quite fit in with the rest of the site. To the left of the loading bay where postal workers had once filled the mail trucks with mail, there was a state of the art sensor of some sort, as well as a well hidden security camera. [i]This has got to be it.[/i] He thought to himself just as the conversation that he could hear below made him sure that it was. [b] “Sorry to drop by like this, but I need your help.”[/b] Icon said as he stepped in front of the sensor and spoke to the camera. He stood there and waited for a moment, and just as he was beginning to believe that he'd have to find another way in, the platform that he stood on began to lower itself into the ground. The platform, which was actually some sort of lift, slowly descended down into the sub level of the post office, which as Icon reached the lower levels he saw that it looked as if it were actually an old bomb shelter which probably dated back to at least the mid 1980s. As he looked around his surroundings as the lift finally came to a stop, he saw a small computer array, what looked like a car that was being built almost from scratch, and in the corner a motorcycle that was indeed a smoldering wreck. There were also two young women, a pretty blonde girl who was in her early twenties, and a Latina woman who as Icon had guessed, looked to be in her late twenties. Then, as he was stepping off the lift, the masked vigilante Lyger stepped toward him. “Well, what can I do for you?” Lyger asked as he approached Icon. [b] “I'm sure you heard about the assassination attempt on Alexa Winstone.”[/b] Icon said. “Yeah, that was unfortunate.” Lyger told him. [b] “It was.[/b] Icon agreed. [b] “It was also a message to me.[/b] Icon continued. “How so?” Lyger asked, unsure of what Icon meant. Icon looked around pensively to the two young women, and then to Lyger. He knew that at this point there was not reason not to be truthful, Lyger was a smart guy and would figure it out on his own anyhow. Then he took his finger to his right wrist and pressed a button. Immediately, his blue and silver uniform retracted back into the bracelet that Alexa had given him. “My name is Scott Hunter. Someone figured out who I am and is targeting people that I love.”