[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bW2PNFV.png[/img][/center] "Name?" Annabelle paused. How could she forget at least that much courtesy? "My name is... Annabelle. Nice to meet you, Cecilia. Artemisia. Locke. Ciel," she greeted in turn. When she finished her quaint little cookie from the spearwoman, Annabelle stood herself up and looked to the tower which that ranger had tried climbing. That was their initial destination, wasn't it? The strange, unfamiliar crystal structures all around the area seemed like evidence enough that their star-fallen object of interest was nearby. Annabelle had half a mind to try and take on the crystals she could see -just a fragment- to figure out what kind of properties they had. Surely they had some kind of unique use? But she didn't want to waste anymore time. There was an entire army or two sifting through the city as well, after all. "We should get moving, shouldn't we?" she asked the group. "We might actually be the closest to the target here. That would be nice, anyways. We shouldn't squander our advantage."