[hider=Addison Nikol] [CENTER][SUB][COLOR=cecece][img] https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRAvBuWL-RTDjUn5-NtSnSko82zPjBFN9W6wQGMR4BhKJDEusds&usqp=CAU[/img] Addison “Addie” Nikol ◄ 19 ▎ Female ▎ 5’9” ►[/COLOR][/SUB][/CENTER] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]P R O F I L E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Growing up with a father who spent a lot of time away from home, Addie’s good at being self reliant. She doesn’t depend on others much, and the most help she needs is usually to just lift up something really heavy in the mechanics shop she works in. In there she works on mostly machines like vehicles or guns that aren’t what you’d call standard issue. Addie’s a chill person who knows how to handle people who are being difficult, since she has an alcoholic father. When you’re nice to her, she’s nice back. That kind of thing. She’s not a very “traditionally” feminine person, you know, the type of girl who feints are rough living or running out of nail polish or fawning over that vampire from those really bad Pre-PMC movies. She’s worked in that mechanic shop since she was around 15, so she’s got a pretty good chunk of knowledge on how most tech works, as long as she doesn’t have to do a lot of software wizardry, she shouldn’t have much trouble fixing something. It’s been largely small time work down there, but it’s kept the lights on a hell of a lot more consistently than her dad’s blood money. She’s not all nuts and bolts though, she’s used to dealing with tough situations, so she has a level head. This comes from the constant cycle of having to make a trip in late evenings to her dad’s apartment from her own to handle his drunken stupor. And when she’s not making a late night trip under the Martian lights, she’s at home giving to music that’s no doubt unpopular even on earth, if earth was still habitable.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]D A Y S - G O N E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Addie was never anybody important, she grew up being raised by an old-ass bounty hunter in neutral territory. Though she never really considered him much of a proper father, since most days he was either out doing his job or staying locked up in his room mumbling to himself about how self sacrificing he’s been. Granted, he was a pretty good bounty hunter when it came to tracking people down alive, and mostly decent at assassinations, but it’s not like he killed a big shit politician or anything. Papa Nikol was just another run of the mill efficient bounty hunter. Addie spent a lot of time keeping up with his usual drunken messes, since he had a habit of getting hammered once or twice a week. Maybe three, if business was bad. Speaking of business, she got a tech job in the middle of school fixing cars and whatever machines someone busted up. she always had a fascination with mechanical stuff, and if she didn’t nearly get her ass blown off by what she assumes was a terrorist, she’d probably go and work on fixing ships for someone worth something in the next 10 years. Of course, that doesn’t happen since she did nearly get her ass blown off by what she assumes was a terrorist, so her life went completely pear shaped from that day. Until then, most of her time was spent either at home, running across town to console her hungover dad, or making neo dollars to keep the lights on. It wasn’t until less than an AMC year that she got an actual apartment that was much closer to her job than her borderline alcoholic old man. She occasionally checked on him, since they had a mostly steady relationship. She and her father lived in a neutral zone, which is why his bounty hunting was legal, but recently Addison was thinking about moving away from her dad, she had spent so much of her life being chained to watching the guy brag on and on about how his job was so “respectable” and “hard” when all he did was hunt down gangsters and thieves and occasionally kill a high rolling smuggler. She was mentally tired of always listening to his shit, and having to care for him when he got drunk, that she chose to try and find a better place to live in New Brazil. The day she came there to scope things out before actually moving was when the blast happened, and when she got her powers. [/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]M E M O R I E S[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Addison doesn’t know anyone worth knowing, she’s either at home being Addison or working in a mechanics shop a little bit away from home.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]P O W E R S[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] What I'm looking for Power: When Addie touched things, she discovered that this property extended to the objects, and that she could change them. I was like the object became an extension of herself, and her mind, and she could alter the construction of it. She could harden metal by packing its atoms together, or completely shatter a car by doing the exact opposite. If she tried hard enough, she could probably completely change an object into something else, as long as the structure allowed it. It wouldn’t matter what she’s touching, the ground, a car, someone’s phone, anything, she could rearrange it’s atomic structure in anyway she wanted. The things she touched didn’t necessarily come to life, but she could feel everything the objects structure like it was a part of her, making the transformation of the object almost like a muscle to her. This could range from something small like turning wood into paper or glass to sand, or dismantling a large chunk of a building, crumbling it to dust. As long as it’s something physically possible with what she’s given. She can take a plastic bag and fold it into a rigid, plastic sword, but she can’t make it suddenly turn into a bag made of metal. Limitation: She can apply this power to atoms and molecules, but not protons or neutrons, she can’t completely destroy matter, only change it. This means she can’t take a piece of pure iron and try to turn it into a piece of pure gold - She’s tried. In fact she’s tried many ways. Something Addie doesn’t realize quite yet is that her grip on an object only goes so far, both in terms of range and size and complexity, and that it works like a muscle, when it pulls or tears, it isn’t pretty. Weaknesses: Organic matter is too complex to be reliably changed by her power. The only thing theoretically possible to do to an actual person with her power would probably have to be herself since the atoms in her own body are loose as a side effect. Have you ever seen the flash go through a wall like a ghost? That’s the theoretical limit, but Addie can’t begin to imagine how such a thing is doable. [/color] [/hider]